
836 21 16

Me: ok moving on. This has something to do with Neville.

Neville: Why is it always me...*sigh*

Me: ok this ship is Nuna, Its neville and luna.

Luna: Yay! I actually like neville so its a shi-

Me: WAIT!!! Let me ask the question first!

Me: Ok, is it a Ship or Sink?

Neville: i also like u luna! So Ship!

Luna: Yay! Ship!!!

Draco: i dont care about loony or  Longbottom's relationship so I guess i will ship.

Blaise: Same with draco. Ship.

Pansy: i ship!

Ginny: i can see it so, Ship!

Harry: Ship

Ron: Ship

Hermione: Ship

Cedric: Ship

Cho: I ship!

Lily: its cute, Ship!

James: Ship

Sirius: I definitely ship this!

Remus: I ship.

Tonks: Aww! Cute! Definitely Ship this!

Me: ok let see the results.

Ship:16 Sink:0

Nuna has definitely sailed!

Neville & Luna: Yay!!!

Me: Moving on!

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