Oh baby

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Pairing: G!P Irene x fem reader

Warnings: Breeding kink/impregnating kink, unprotected, rough sex, and creampie 


You come home with a relieved sigh as you park your car on the sidewalk of your property of the house, tired yet excited to see your 5 year old daughter and your spouse. 

You hurriedly exit the car and take your bag, the sound of keys jingling as you walk towards the front door. When you turn the knob, you heart fluttered at the sight, there they were, the two most loved people in your life. 

Irene who had her hair in a high ponytail, wearing a plain white t-shirt and sweats, and is struggling to get your daughter to eat her mushroom soup. Chuckling at the sight as you sneak up on the two of them, but one floorboard decided to ruin the surprise.

Irene turns her head towards your direction, flushed and embarrassed due to getting caught, you smile sheepishly.

"Hello." You shyly greeted, Irene grinned as your daughter rush towards you with a huge smile on her face.

"Mommy!" Your daughter shouts as you chuckle and carry her to your arms. Irene laughing at the sight. Your daughter kisses your cheek, a bit of mushroom soup coating your cheek when she did.

"Emilia Bae!" Irene scolds wiping the soup off your face, you only shake your head in amusement. "It's ok Hyunie, I can handle it." Your wife pouts, "But you just came home from work, you should rest."

Your heart warmed at her words, "Your same as ever Irene." She grins and kisses your cheek. Emilia, your daughter whines and pushes Irene's face away. Irene gasped and clutched her hand on her heart, pretending to be hurt.

"Ew!" Your daughter cries as you and Irene laugh. You gently lull her to calm down. "Why?" Your voice feigned a child's tone. "You don't like it when momma kisses mommy?" You pecked her temple. "Hmm?" 

"Yeah!" She shakes her head vigorously and turns to Irene and stuck out her tongue, "Mommy's mine!" 

Irene chuckled, her eye turn to crescents, "Don't forget, she's mine first!" Then proceeds to feather kisses on your face, causing your daughter to thrash. 

"Alright!" You barked, "Alright." 

"Emmy," You coaxed. "Mommy needs to change her clothes, you and your mom eat first alright?" 

Emilia nods and opens her arms for Irene to take her, when she did, you give Irene a quick kiss on the cheek, promising to come down after changing clothes. 

You rush upstairs, opting to change to comfy clothes, as you approach downstairs. You hear laughter from the dining table and Irene making an airplane motion to Emilia who happily takes the spoon on her mouth, you stopped and stared at the two.

Happiness spread throughout your body, you and Irene decided to have a kid after being married for 3 years, and it was the best decision you two have ever made. Emilia is definitely Irene's miniature version of her. She has her eyes, the doe eyes that you love to get pulled into a trance and her smile.

Oh to see her grow up, something that you would love to grow old to along with your wife. After staring for a minute, it's time to join them for dinner. Irene rushes to your side and slides the chair for you to sit on, Emilia is positioned at the center, leaving you and Irene seating across from each other.

You three sat and ate in comfortable silence, sighing in satisfaction as the food melts in your tongue, Emilia giggling and hold out her bowl, asking for another round of mushroom soup. Irene clears her throat.

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