7. Dom

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What the fuck just happened? I went there to smooth shit over and apologize. I start the ignition and run my hand through my hair. I lean back against the seat and take a look back at her house.

A two-story, single family home. Where the fuck is her picket fence?

Her door's closed. She didn't even wait to watch me leave. Probably has to clean up all the evidence that she was with me. For some reason, that really fucking hurts. But then I remember she's got a little boy. And fuck that, I don't want to be here and have to do all that shit. I just wanted to get laid. And I did. I pull out and snort at a few of the houses that actually do have white picket fences.

But why does it feel so... wrong? It was hot as fuck. I've never had a woman who wanted to do that, to fight me like that. I groan, leaning my head back against the seat as I pull up to a red light. That was fucking hot. My fingers graze the skin of my neck. She fucking bit me. My Becca is one kinky bitch.

The cocky grin on my lips slips as I remember how she looked after. Not after I got done fucking her. She was gorgeous when she came on my dick. Her teeth sank into her bottom lip as she tried to fight her need to scream in pleasure. The memory makes me want to fuck her again. Right now. This broad keeps me wanting to go back for more. I shake my head, not quite knowing how I feel about it all.

I feel a little used, to be honest. I fucking enjoyed it, but damn, did she have to kick me out right fucking then? The aftershocks were probably still racing through her body when she shut the damn door.

She should've at least taken me to dinner if she was gonna fuck me like that. I bark a laugh out at my little joke.

Okay, okay. Now I know what I'm working with. If we're gonna keep fucking, I know exactly where I stand with her. I'd be her dirty, little secret. Usually women brag about fucking me. There's no way Becca will.

As I pull up to the house, my phone goes off. I look at the monitor on the dashboard and see it's Vince. I park the car in the driveway, but leave it running.

"Yeah?" I ask him. I don't really feel like fucking around. I want to get inside and look at my schedule. I gotta figure out when I'm hooking up with my doll again.

"We got a problem." I don't like his tone. My blood runs ice cold.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Detective Marshall took Jack in." Hearing that name pisses me off. Jack's ex threatened to go to him. You don't threaten a mobster, even if he's your husband. And you sure as fuck don't use names either. 'Cause that means you've already talked to law enforcement.

"What's he got on him?" I ask.

"Nothing. But we all need to lay low for now."

"Why'd he get picked up?" Marshall is always trying to hunt us down and pin anything he can on us. Every stupid thing used to get us taken in. Now they're careful, since Pops threatened a lawsuit and the judge in his pocket is on our side.

"Expired license." He's gotta be shitting me.

"Are you fucking serious?" I practically yell.

"Yeah, just lay low, Dom," he answers with a pissed off tone. Jack should fucking know better.

"Not a problem." My hands twist the steering wheel. I always lay low. I'm not out there like the rest of them.

"Yeah, it is a problem." My brow furrows. The fuck it is? "Don't you remember what happened yesterday?"

I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose. De Luca. Damn is he a pain in my ass. "That hasn't been dealt with yet?" We have to be careful about how we talk. No names, nothing that could be used as evidence. Just in case.

"Not yet. We have some issues standing in the way, and now this." My fist slams on the wheel. It's not hard to whack a guy. Really, it's not. And the quicker, the better. Which is why it was supposed to happen last night.

"Why didn't the call happen last night?" It's hard to keep the anger out of my voice. Usually I stay calm and indifferent on the outside. That's how I am. That's how I like it to be. Other than with this broad. She's gotten under my skin.

"We got tied up." What the fuck could be more important than taking care of someone who's trying to take care of us? I wanna ask him, but my temper is starting to get the best of me. I can't let that get out of hand. I can't slip up on a phone call.

"What do you need me to do, Vince?" I fucking hate this. I hate knowing someone is out there gunning for us, and we're just sitting ducks. My mind flashes with an image of Becca, her lying on the ground, blood pooling around her pale, lifeless body. Even worse, her son. Fuck that. That can't happen. I won't let that happen.

No. No, they didn't see her. Right? There was plenty of time that passed between when she left and that young prick coming into my office. But who the fuck knows how long they were waiting out there?

Johnny looked at the footage, had to cross every "T" and dot every "I." He said there wasn't anyone with Marco. His car was left in the lot. Johnny dumped it, of course. But still, an uneasiness creeps up on me.

My body stills and freezes. I'm not risking it. I put the car in reverse. "I gotta go, Vince."

"Just hang tight and lay low."

"Got it." I hit end and immediately dial Johnny.

"Yo, boss," he answers casually. Too fucking casual for my liking.

"Did you watch my girl leave when you saw the footage?" I feel fucking stupid for not doing it myself. I grit my teeth as I come up to a red light and resist the urge to gun it. Stay low. Besides, I just left her. She's fine.

Fuck! What if they had a tail on me? I haven't been paying attention since this fucker is supposed to be dead. He was supposed to be taken care of. Fucking Jack! My fist slams against the wheel as I stare at the longest fucking red light I've ever sat at.

"Nah, boss. I di-"

I cut him off and say sharply, "Do it. Make sure no one followed her. Do it now, and get back to me when you're done. I'm heading to her house now." It's gonna take another forty minutes to get back to her place. At least it gets dark pretty early in the fall. I'll just scout it out, make sure she's good until Johnny gets back to me.

There's a short hesitation and I know he's confused and wants to ask what's going on, but he knows better than to ask. And realistically, I have no clue what's going on between us. But if they are hoping to get to us, those spineless rats will use any means necessary. Including our women. It wouldn't be the first time a competitor targeted us that way. But I'm sure as fuck not going to let it happen to her.

I pull up a few houses away, park and turn off my lights. I'm glad she lives in a nice neighborhood; my car doesn't really stand out much here. There's a car parked along the curb of her house, but I know she was expecting someone, so I don't freak out. I stay calm. She'll be fine. I'm just gonna make sure she's alright. That's all. I put my hand on the butt of my gun, just to make sure it's where I like it, and get out with my phone in my hand. I flick it to vibrate and I shut the door quietly. Right before I pocket my phone, it goes off.

"Yeah?" I ask Johnny.

"She's good. There's nothing on there." His answer is quick and to the point. I like it.

"Thanks." I end the call and debate just getting back in my car and leaving. But I drove all the way back out here. I check the time on the phone. It's nearly eight. I'll go check to make sure she's alright.

I chuckle deep and low. That's a fucking lie. I wanna see what my doll is up to.

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