The Infinity War

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"The only thing that should surprise us is that there are still some things that can surprise us."

----Francois de la Rochefoucauld

The morning in New York City seemed quiet for that day. Birds chirping around, people walking, talking, laughing, and running about. Tony, Pepper, James, and Lily were doing their usual morning run through Central Park. Everything so quiet until when-

"Accio Pepper's Phone!" James whispered, and without being noticed got his sister's phone.

"JAMES?!" An angry Pepper shouted from his behind. He knew he was in trouble. Trouble and that trouble was his one and only big sister, Pepper Potter.

Yes, Pepper Potters not Potts. She had been unknown for the whole Wizarding world, and for her parents herself. This was because Pepper never liked magic. She liked science and technology but not magic. That seems to be unfortunate.

James ran as fast as he could. Reading the texts was not easy for him when he was being chased by a lioness, Pepper Potter Stark.

"And that's not how you ladies gentleman," A new voice spoke as the phone flew from James's hands to Tony's.

"Oh C'mon MAN!" James said, disappointed. Lily Potter, with her mind in deep thoughts, continued with her jog.

"Hun?" Lily says joining the group and carefully listening to Tony who seemed so excited that he might fly high in the sky without his Iron Suit. Tony was talking Pepper's ear off about something that wasn't quite making sense.

"What are you thinking about? You've been quiet lately." James whispers into Lily's ears while jogging behind Tony and Pepper.

"Nothing," Lily whispers back. "I have been having this crazy dream lately. I saw twins. Two kids. The babies were beautiful. A girl and a boy. The boy was like you and the girl was just like Tony. We had a baby and so did - "

"Slow down," Tony's voice broke, mainly talking to Pepper.

"Honey," Pepper responded, sounding a bit done.

"Slow down, slow down. I'll spell it out for you."

"You're totally rambling," Pepper spoke over him as the three of them slowed down but kept walking on.

"No, I'm not," he stated.

"Look, you know how you're having a dream, and in the dream you gotta pee?" Tony asked.

"Yeah," Pepper and Lily both responded, nodding their heads while James laughed.

"This was going to be interesting," James whispered.

"Okay, and then you're like, 'Oh my god, there's no bathroom, what am I gonna do?' 'Oh! Someone's watching.'"

"Right," Pepper said.

"'I'm gonna go in my pants'," Tony continued.

"And then you wake up, and in real life you actually have to pee." Pepper stated.

"Yes." Tony excitedly agreed, thinking that Pepper was finally understanding and turning around to walk backward.

"Yeah," Pepper said. "Everybody has that."

"Right! That's the point I'm trying to make." Tony said, stopping in front of Pepper. James and Lily stood to the side, watching this play out. "Apropos of that, last night I dreamt. Not an alien dream, but a dream about us." Tony says and Pepper's smiles drop.

"Well...I had a dream...that you and me...had a kid." Tony says and Pepper stood there with a blank face. Lily knew Pepper was quite shocked. "And we named the baby after your weird eccentric uncle."

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