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HE WAS WORRIED. It wasn't often that Harry Maguire let his worry cloud his judgement at training, but when he came to realizing that Tori had not replied to any of his calls since the night before, he couldn't help but get lost in the worst–case–scenario thoughts. His teammates found it rather funny, the way their big and tough captain, the man who rarely let his emotions get the better of him, completely lost his head with worry.


The defender, who was sitting on the ground, having been tackled by his fellow defender, Victor, lifted his gaze to look directly into Ole Gunnar Solskjær's face. He felt himself shrink in embarrassment; he wanted to impress Ole, he wanted to show how he was working to be the best central defender in the squad, but the lack of contact from the girl he was dating worried him. It threw him off balance, in many ways, something the Norwegian manager had noticed.

He extended a hand for Harry, helping him to his feet, before bringing him to the side of the pitch. "Something's bothering you, Harry." Ole spoke in a worried tone of his own, hands deep in the pockets of his jacket as they stood away from the rest of the team, who had been allowed a break to get some water. "I don't expect you to speak up, but I hope you do — and I hope you can be able to let it be for the rest of the practice. If not, I'll have to ask you to get off my training pitch."

"Sorry, gaffer." The defender mumbled, lowering his head. "Truth is — my girlfriend, Tori, she went out with some friends last night, and I haven't heard from her. She told me she'd call me in the morning, but she didn't, and when I tried to call her—," he paused, sighing heavily as he lifted his gaze, looking at Ole. "She didn't pick up, and with all these stories about women being abducted, I just have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach."

While Ole thought he would be able to comfort Harry, whatever the issue might be, he found himself speechless at the worry the footballer had shared with him; a worry the Norwegian manager had been experiencing himself, both with his own wife and with his daughter. Sighing, he looked down, studying his watch, before returning his focus to Harry. "Practice lasts for another thirty minutes. The question now is, and I want you to know that whatever you choose to do, we will all respect that — do you want to stay, and bring someone, maybe Victor, along to check on her after practice, or do you want to go now?"

The look in Harry's eyes changed a little while he gave Ole's offer a thought. Of course, his heart told him to leave immediately, while his brain told him to stick around for the rest of the practice, and bring some of the ' big guns ' along — though he sincerely hoped he didn't need to use them for anything more than company.

"I'll stay." Harry responded hesitantly, a tone Ole picked up on as the manager placed a hand on his shoulder, though the older man did not say anything. Instead, he walked with Harry back to the rest of the team, starting them on their final excersise of the day, as a way to ease down from a rather intense session on the outside pitch of Carrington. Harry immediately found himself jogging next to Victor, who he noticed was grimacing at every other step — probably due to his back, and the current issue he was having with it. "You okay there, Vic?"

The Swede turned to look at his fellow defender, before plastering a fake smile on his face and nodding. "Yeah man, all good. How about you?"

Harry furrowed his brows a little as he turned his gaze back to the pitch in front of them, a shaky sigh escaping his lips. "Would you be able to come with me to check up on Tori at her place? I mean, you know—,"

𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐑 𝐈𝐍 𝐌𝐘 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 // 𝐦𝐮𝐟𝐜 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now