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               VICTOR LINDELÖF WASN'T one who flaunted his private life on social media, especially not after a rather unfortunate episode with his now ex–girlfriend. With permission from the gaffer, the Swedish defender had now returned to his hometown of Västerås, choosing to take a couple of weeks with his brothers and get his mind off how bad the media could be. Of course, he wasn't able to escape the sudden chase for an answer as to why he wasn't included in the matchday–squads, or why he wasn't pictures in training.

The pace in Västerås was completely different than in Manchester; the Swedish city was calmer, something Victor enjoyed as he spent the days travelling back and forth between the icerink with his brothers. Sure, the casual paparazzis wasn't to be avoided, but Victor felt a lot more relaxed walking the same streets he grew up in, and keeping in shape while he made sure his brothers worked hard to achieve the results they wanted within their respective sports.

                His return to Västerås also meant reuniting with several of his old friends, people he didn't see a whole lot as he spent the majority of his year in Manchester — the city he considered to be his home. However, there was one person he hadn't seen since his return, and that was someone he was excited to see; a person who meant a lot to him as he grew up.

                 "Jesus, Vic — your hands are sweaty." His brother, Sacharias, chuckled as he handed the older Lindelöf's phone back to him. "Are you really that nervous to meet her?"

                  "I haven't seen Alma since before I made my break–through in Benfica. Last time we talked was via the direct messages on Instagram, about two years ago, and she was studying medicine in Oslo at that point." Victor sighed, fumbling with the hem of his shirt. "Now, here I am, about to meet her at my high school–reunion? I'm sure she's going to hate me after — well, you know."

Sacharias rolled his eyes, getting up from the couch. "Trust me, if there's one thing the community around here knows, it's that whatever happened is not your fault." He placed a hand on his older brother's shoulder, looking him right in the eye. "After all; you is kind, you is smart—,"

"Oh, cut the crap." Victor groaned, pushing his brother away, before picking up his wrist–watch from the coffee–table in front of him. "Look, if anyone's going home with Alma tonight, it sure as hell won't be me. Half the class had a crush on her, they hated me because I was her friend, and besides — what would a girl like her do being single now? She always said she wanted to settle down and have a family."

               "Who's to say that couldn't be with you?"

The older Lindelöf–sibling rolled his eyes, heading for the kitchen, Sacharias following close behind. "I highly doubt it will be me, Sac. I just want to go, have a good time, maybe get a bit tipsy, and then come home. Nothing more." Victor ran a hand through his hair, looking his brother in the eye. "The question is, what are you going to do tonight? I'm pretty sure no–one, including yourself, will be happy if you just mope around her all night."

Sacharias grinned, reaching across the counter for a bag with the infamous logo belonging to ' Game Stop ' on it. "I've got a solid evening with onscreen hockey planned." He pulled out a couple of Playstation–games from the bag, showing them to Victor, who simply rolled his eyes; he wasn't surprised his brother would be spending the evening in front of the T.V–screen. "And before you tell me to not wait up for you — you don't know me well enough, then, because I will wait up. Unless you'll be bringing home Alma. If so, please let me know, so I can take a couple of sleeping pills and knock myself out before you go at it like rabbits."

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2021 ⏰

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