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As I ran through the walls, I surprisingly didn't hit my head, or anything. I ran straight through, and found myself on a platform full of mums, dads and little and big kids. I felt awkward and didn't know where to go. I took out my train ticket, and walked over to a ginger mum with five boys, and one girl just a bit younger than me. "Are you lost dear?" Asked the lady as I approached her. "A bit, I don't know where to go, it's my first year at Hogwarts" I explained. She nodded. "Well you can sit with my ones on the train, now this is Fred, George, Ron and Ginny, and there's Harry and Hermoine, Ron's best friends, and I'm Molly, what's your name?" She said. "Amy Galvin" I said. She looked surprised. "Anne Galvin's daughter?" She asked. I nodded. "I went to school with your mum, I did" She smiled. I smiled back. Molly checked her watch. "Oh goodness it's already five to" she said shocked. "Quick, kids on the train, Harry dear, you too come now" We all rushed onto the train. Me, Hermoine, Harry, Ginny and Ron sat down in a cabin, and Fred and George went to a different one, with their friends. "Hey, I'm Hermione" said Hermoine as soon as we sat down. "Nice to meet you, I'm Amy" i said, shaking her hand. "I'm Harry, and this is Ron" said the boy with glasses. "Wait no way, Harry Potter?" I asked. He nodded, shaking my hand. "Wow, it's an honour, my mum told me all about you, how you defeated you know who" I babbled, shaking his hand back. I felt a bit queasy because of all the excitement. I heard a trolley outside of our cabin, and I saw sweets so I supposed that it had water too. "A bottle of water please" I said to the lady. "Five galleons" she said, holding out her hand. I froze. I only had muggle money on me, ten pounds. "Um, i don't have that sort of money, do you take muggle money?" I asked her. She shook her head, and began to roll her trolley ahead. "Just give her the water will ya, here's the money" said a voice behind me. I turned around. It was a tall blonde boy. The trolley lady sighed, and handed me the bottle of water. "Thank you so much" i said. "No worries" he said. "I'm Amy Galvin, by the way" i said. "I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy" he said. I shook his hand. We stared into each others eyes. He cleared his throat. "I should go, my friends are waiting for me" he said. "Oh, yes, I'll see you later, when I get sorted, uh, yeah" i said, walking off. "Oh crap" i whispered to myself. I walked back to the cabin, and sat down beside Hermoine. "What was that about?" She smirked. "Oh nothing, he just payed for my water cause I only have muggle money" i blushed. "It looked like more than that" she wiggled her eyebrows. "Hermoine!" I shoved her gently. "We should be best friends, all of us" Said Harry. So that's what happened. Me, Hermoine (Moine, as we call her) Ginny, Ron, Harry, Fred and George.

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