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We talked and laughed all the way on the train to Hogwarts. "So, are you really Anne Galvin's daughter?" Asked Ginny. I nodded. "Wow, she's kind of a legend at Hogwarts" said Ron. "Not more of a legend than me" joked harry. We all laughed. I fell asleep a bit later, as the jiggling of the train gave me a sense of comfort. I woke up to Hermoine gently shaking me. "We're here Amy" she said. I yawned, and stood up. "Ok, let's go" i said. I tried to grab my trunk, but since I just woke up, I stumbled over and bashed into Harry. "I'm so sorry" I blushed. He smiled. "Don't worry, here, let me help" he said, taking my case for me. "Are you sure?" I asked him, worried that I was annoying him. He smiled, and opened the cabin door for me.
We got to Hogwarts, and wow, that school! It was a castle. My mother had described it well enough, but i didn't expect this. I stared at it in awe, as a girl with a black bob walked past me. "It's not that amazing" she laughed. I felt so stupid. I had been staring at it for the past 10 minutes. I blushed, once again. She laughed rudely again, and shoved past me. Hermoine came back and put her arm around me. "That's Pansy Parkinson, don't mind her. She's just a brat, a Slytherin" she sighed. Then it was her turn to blush. "I'm so sorry, not all Slytherins are brats obviously cause your mum was one" said Hermoine. I smiled. "Don't worry, i don't mind, my mother is occasionally a brat" i joked. She laughed. "Come on, you're gonna get sorted now, I suppose" We walked to the great hall. And that hall! It was the most beautiful, luxurious dining hall i had ever seen! I tried not to gasp again, because Pansy was close by us, and she would have laughed again. I stood in the middle of the hall awkwardly as everyone sat down at a table with their housemates. Dumbledore, the headmaster called me up. "Students, we have a new pupil joining our first years. Please welcome, Amy Galvin" everyone applauded. He gestured me to sit on a stood, as he brought this hat mother kept telling me about. The sorting hat. He placed the hat on my head, and the hat surprisingly started talking. I jumped a little, and a few people laughed. I looked into the hall and saw Draco Malfoy, the guy I was talking to on the train. He raised his eyebrows and smirked at me. "Very ambitious I see, just like your mother" mumbled the sorting hat. "Slytherin!" Everyone at the Slytherin table clapped, and Pansy,are a gesture for me to sit beside her. "Sorry about earlier, I'm Pansy Parkinson" she smiled. I didn't really want to be friends with this rude girl, but I shook her hand anyways. "Amy Galvin" i said. She smiled again. "Welcome to Slytherin" said Draco. "Thank you" i nodded. A boy that was sitting beside them, leaned over the table to shake my hand. "Blaise Zabini" he said. "Amy Galvin" i said for the fiftieth time today. Blaise checked his pocket watch. "Okay, well we should be getting to our dorms now, it's 6:30" i was sharing with Pansy. "So, what do you think of Blaise, isn't he wonderful" said Pansy, as we were putting our clothes into the wardrobes. "Eh, he's alright I guess" I said. I wasn't that keen on Blaise. It was Draco. Everything about him seemed wonderful.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2021 ⏰

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