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(mature content ahead)

~Athena and Pansys dorm~

I woke up to someone banging on the door and yelling my name.

"Go away," I said and covered my ears with a pillow.

They banged harder on the door.

"OH FOR FUCKS SAKE" I yelled then got up and opened the door.

It was Theodore.

"Yes?" I asked in confusion.

"You haven't come out of your dorm all day," he said worryingly.

"Awe someone cares," I said sarcastically.

He walked in a shut the door behind him.

"Yes you may come in," I said sarcastically again.

"So, Everyone thinks mattheo was" he cleared his throat.

"Was fingering you during potions class today" he said.

"Seriously," I said.

He nodded in response.

"Their assumptions can spread I honestly don't even care at this point" I added.

I threw a pillow at him and he threw it back.

Then someone knocked.

"Fuck uhm" I pointed to under the bed for Theodore to go under.

I didn't want anyone thinking anything, Considering everyone thinks Theodore fancy's me.

He crawled under the bed

I walked over and opened the door.

"Draco?" I said as I opened the door.

He pushed me away from the door and shut it behind him then sat on the edge of my bed.

What's with all of them just walking in.

"What do you need?" I asked.

"Did Riddle, Get touchy in potions?" he asked with a hurt expression on his face.

"No, Those are just rumors," I said and looked at the side of the bed where Theodore's hand was slightly showing.

I walked over and sat next to Draco and slightly stepping on Theodore's hand for him to pull it in.

God, why are they all so tall.

"Ouch," Theodore said, Not quiet either.

"I just I was-" Draco stopped.

"Who the hell is under the bed," he asked seriously.

"no one" I smiled

"Get out from under there before I drag you from under there," Draco said and stood up.

Theodore came up from under the bed and stood there awkwardly.

"Are you two?" Draco said looking at us both.

"Ew no!" I exclaimed.

"Ouch," Theodore said and put his hand on his chest.

Draco shook his head, "Hiding under the bed makes me think different, could've just told me it was a bad time, Reid."

"We have to be down for dinner," He said then walked out.

Theodore walked out after him.

I got dressed then went to the Slytherin table where everyone was sitting and sat down.

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