Chapter 1: Ten Years Later...

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After that, we flash forward 10 years later where we see a TV broadcast hosted by Shawn Berger explaining how after the defeat of the Decepticons the human race has decided to end its alliance with the Autobots, since now that the war is over there is no reason for the two species to continue their partnership, as the people of Earth no longer feel safe having aliens hiding among us which has led to the formation of Cemetary Wind, an organization bent on hunting down and terminating the remaining Autobots. while he is talking about all this, Mr. Berger continues to paint the Autobots in a negative light while praising Cemetary Wind and their valiant efforts to keep Earth human (which is the organization's slogan). we then see Cade Yeager turn off the TV before cutting to a montage of him working on his inventions showcasing him as an aspiring roboticist building all kinds of quirky cobbled-together robots in the barn one of them even fetching him a beer before stepping out of his new house in the middle rural Texas, passing by none other than an older Kicker Jones who has become a close friend of the Yeager family in the 10 years between Dark of the moon and now. Kicker asks Cade "where you going, picking up tessa from school?" followed by Cade telling Kicker "she's 17 now and has a driver's license, she can get home herself" before telling Kicker that he's off to the scrapyard to go collect some alien tech for his inventions followed by Kicker rolling his eyes at Cade being Cade. we then cut to Cade hopping into his pickup truck and driving through the countryside, passing by a billboard saying "Remember Mission City: report alien activity" which Cade turns his head away from the billboard, not wanting to relive the horrific memory of the day he lost his wife. Cade's truck then arrives at a scrapyard where he sees several scrap collectors hard at work strip-mining a crashed Decepticon warship for scrapmetal. one of these scrappers walks up to Cade and offers to sell some of the pieces of alien technology he collected from the spacecraft including several deadly cybertronian weapons, however Cade is disinterested paying more attention to a red-and blue 1980s cab-over semi instead. Cade tells him that he'll take the truck instead. the salesman is confused, saying that the truck's not for sale as he doesn't know how it got there. Cade however persuades him by forking over some cash and the salesman agrees to sell the truck to him. Cade hops in the truck and dusts off the steering wheel revealing an Autobot insignia underneath, much to the shock of Cade. after that, we cut to Tessa in her pink convertible driving up to the farmhouse where she is greeted by Kicker who hugs Tessa, telling her "my how you've grown, I've known you since you were just a little girl and now look at you!" followed by Tessa asking Kicker where her dad went. Kicker tells Tessa that he told him that he was going down to the scrapyard to pick up some Cybertronian tech for his inventions. Tessa rolls her eyes, wishing she had a normal dad instead of some crazy inventor. we then see Cade's pickup truck arrive at the farmhouse, towing the red-and-blue Semi cab. Tessa asks her dad what he did now, and Cade tells his daughter that he got lucky. Tessa asks what he plans on doing with that red-and-blue hunk of junk, and Cade tells her that he plans on stripping the semi for parts to sell to the highest bidder to fund more of his inventions, and pay the bills of course. Tessa rolls her eyes at her dad, asking why he can't just get a job instead of wasting the rest of his life cooped up in the barn working on his goofy little science fair, going as far as to say "you've been this way ever since mom died" followed by Cade storming off into the barn while Tessa sighs. Kicker places his hand on the semi, saying that there's something awfully familiar about this truck's color scheme, like something he hasn't seen in over 10 years. 

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