Stay strong and Carry on!

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I kiss Harry's cheek and skip over to the founttain to let him finish eating. I pull out a coin and think. What should I wish for? Hmmm...

In a moment someone grabs my hips tigtly, almost to the point of pain. Jeez Harry, hurt much? But it's not Harry, Harry is across the mall, I see him runing to me. I start kicking and scratch at the man that has a hold of me.

"Stay strong Lily! I'll find you, I promise!" Harry shouts as I'm being pulled away. I toss my coin into the fountain, let me live to see my Hazza bear again.

"I love you!" I shout before being shoved through a door and blacking out.

                                     ***Some amount of time later***

I open my eyes to find myself in a concrete room. I'm laying on a thin palete of blankets by a concrete pillar. The walls are about 5 meters high with a small openening near the top. At the nearest wall is a large metal door, with at least 4 diffrent locks. Bloody hell, I'm not a terorist.

In the far corner is a small bucket of water. I'm not oing to drink from it, who knows what they did to it. Suddenly the door opens to a small Arfican American girl, about 15 years old. I remember her... She was my roommate when I was in boarding school in India. before she ran off to Bollywood saying that 'her dreams were calling.'

"Raji Homlisis? You're behind this?" I ask her surprised that my jaw hurts so much. She shakes her head.

"I'm just a pawn, master won't be happy about you're black eye," she tsks me as if I'm a dog. I reach up and touch my eye.

"Who's master, what's their name?" I asks her pleadingly. I still have my phone on me.

"I'm not telling you anything about her," she spits. Then covers her mouth. She told me that my captor was female. Then Raji kicked me repeatedly in the ribs until I heard a loud snap, finally satisfied with my broken rib she leaves. I hear the click of a lock behind her.

I pull out my phone and type a message to Harry 'Raji Homlisis went to bschool 2gether. Some 'she' is behind this. HELP SYLSYL' I reack my phone up as close to the opening as I can. It sent the text right before it died. I hope he knows I meant Save your Lily. More importantly I hope I live until Harry finds me... WIth that last thought I drift into a deep sleep.

A/N Ooh Cliffhanger! I need at least on comment before I write the next section. SO GO!!! Comment, fan me whatever! XX

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