Oh My GOD!!

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A/N I'm dedicating this chapter to MaroonerFreak. Thank you! Remember, if you like my stories fan me! I'll love you forever and might even dedicate a chapter to you...

Harry takes my hand and leads me into the mall. I giggle quietly, he does this every year. Every year on my birthday Harry takes me out and buys me 9 things. Why 9? It's my favorite number, he always tries to get me more but I won't have it.

"Does it HAVE to be 9 things?" he whines again. I roll my eyes, I've never given him a limit on what they can cost, knowing my little Hazza bear wouldn't listen to me anyways.

"Because I have everything I need, I'm just letting you buy me things so you feel good," I tell him, squeezing his hand softly. I think back to the presents I got at Christmas. I tried to get a total of 9 presents but it turned into 9 presents form everyone, even though they were supposedly "limited" to that number. Everyone had gotten me something decent, except Louis. It's probably because Harry and him are like super ultra best mates but his gifts turned my cheeks dark red and I was locked in the bathroom for 20 minutes. Condoms in 5 diffrent flavors and a pair of fuzzy handcuffs.

"If my present is as good as Louis' at Christmas then I'm going to get a good thanks," Harry whispers in my ear. My cheeks turn strawberry red and I shiver, the thought is appealing yet embarrasing at the same time. He nibbles behind my ear before we step into the maze like mall.

"You go look for something to eat, I'll be back in half an hour," he whispers in my ear before disappearing. I roll my eyes and walk over to the cafe in search of a good burger chip joint.

I order a plain burger for myself with a small side of chips, then for Harry I order three burgers, a large side of chips and a coke for us to share. I sit down and try to hide my face, I should've brought a hoodie or something. Everyone knows whereever I am one of the boys can't be far away.

As if on cue a 9 year old girl and her older brother walk up to me. He looks about 16 years old, she has long blonde ahir and crystal blue eyes. She has a pink dress on. Her brother had black hair and brown eyes, regular skinnies and an oversized sweatshirt.

"Hi! Are you Lily Sameul?" the little girl asks. I smile and tuck my hair behind my ear, showin my face. Her brother gasps. We both look up at him oddly, I'm used to girls freaking out over me but a guy? Not really.

"I sure am, would you like an autograph?" I ask her, she smiles brightly before answering.

"No, I just want a hug. But my brother here would like one. He's had a huge crush on you for the longest time," I can't help but laugh. But I reach down and give the little girl a hug. I look up at the boy and he has a small notebook out.

"It's a celebrity notebook, i've gotten all of my favorite celebrities to sign it, none personally though..." he trails off. I pull out my signature orange sharpie and take his note book.

"Who should I make this out to?" I ask him smiling. He blushes bright red like I would, his sister shouts his name.

"Gavin, make it out to Gavin!" I smile and write sincerely. 'To my friend Gavin, your awkwardness is adorable, but next time when a celeb asks you a question. The smart thing to do is answer. XX Lily Sameuls'I hand him his notebook back and smile.

"Thanks a lot," he whispers. I hug him and they run off. Out of nowhere I'm taken by the hips and swung around.

"I'm gone for half an hour and you're already hugging other guys and signing stuff," Harry says, sounding hurt. I turn around swiftly, hating that sound in hhis voice.

"No, it was a fan, I'm sorry," he smiles his cheeky grin and kisses my nose.

"Don't worry love, I know. I saw the whole thing. Now let's eat!"  

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