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Jimin smiled tossing over to cuddle closer into the olders chest once again, his strong scent of mint filling up his senses.

"You smell good Hyung." Jimin mumbled out.

"Let's go eat breakfast." Jimin whispered pulling the other boy out of the head along with him.

"I'm not really hungry Jimin.." Jimin frowned but nonetheless nodded wandering out of the room.

"Fuck" Yoongi frowned leaning back as his stomach began to rumble hungrily.

"Shut up" he whispered to himself, slowly falling asleep again.


"Get up sleepy head, I wanna go to the beach!" Jimin whined jumping onto the others body.

"Ah, Jimin.." Yoongi pouted squirming slightly.

"Please Yoonie.." Jimin begged laying down beside him hesitantly.

"Okay, let's go goof." Jimin nodded jumping out of the bed excitedly.

"I'm already dressed you still have to get dressed Hyungie." Jimin said playing with the mans long fingers. Yoongi internally face palmed looking up to Jimin with a small smile.

"Uh I don't have any clothes with me.. or anything." Jimin eyes widened as he covered his mouth attempting to not laugh.

"Okay, I'll bring you to my favourite store then!"

"Okay, I'll go put on some deodorant and stuff, I need to get a lot of travel sized things." Jimin nodded watching the older boy lazily walk out of the room.


"You smell way better now" Jimin giggled swinging his and Yoongis hands back and forth.

"Thank you I think?" Yoongi questioned smiling at the feeling of Jimin squeezing his hand.

"I'm gonna go change then we can head to the beach okay nugget?" Jimin hummed pouting softly as Yoongis touch left him.


"I wanna go deeper!" Jimin squealed as the waves hit his mid thighs. Small giggles echoed from the boys mouth as he held the skirt up to prevent if from getting soaked.

Yoongi smiled whipping his phone out to snap a picture of the giggling boy. Before shoving it back into his pants pocket.

"Hey, you don't want to get your clothes wet. You can go deeper next time okay?" Jimin nodded squeezing onto Yoongis hands for some sort of balance.

"Ahh move up my skirt is getting wet!" Jimin laughed moving close into the boys chest for protection.

"Woah." Yoongi chuckled moving his hands towards Jimins thighs to hold him above the water. Jimin's face went pitch red as his breath hitched in the back of his throat slightly.

"Oh shoot I'm sorry Jiminie." Yoongi gulped lowering the boy back on to the sand.

"It's okay Hyungie. I-I don't mind" Jimin stammered his eyes wandering to the sandy beach.

"Wanna get something to eat?" Jimin asked looking over to the food places near the entrance.

"Uh I'm not really hungry." Yoongi said rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Oh okay, wanna go get a boba?" Jimin asked stumbling in the sand a bit.

"Sure I'll just get a water though, woah woah woah careful shortie" Yoongi exclaimed grabbing onto the boys waist before he fell.

"Hey I'm not short.." Jimin whined throwing up the middle finger causing yoongi to gasp.

"Come back here you tiny little nugget!" Yoongi yelled chasing the giggling man up the beach towards the boba shop.

"I'm fast as frick boiiii" he screamed back


"Take a sip of mine it's really good Hyungie." Jimin said placing the straw to lips, Yoongi sighed taking a small sip. His face brightened at the sweet taste clashing in his mouth.

"Uh, wow that's sweet" Yoongi whispered with a shocked face causing Jimin to giggle softly, making his eye smile appear on his face.

"Hyung, your literally just drinking water, of course drinking something sweet will be a shock" Jimin giggled out making Yoongi even more confused.

"Wanna go for a walk on the beach nugget?" Jimin blushed nodding up and down.

They two boys smiled connecting their hands as they went outside into the busy area of people entering but mainly leaving the beach.

"The suns going down Hyungie.." Jimin whispered looking out at the waves crashing into the surface.

"Yeah didn't I mention I like long walks on the beach?" He joked skipping ahead of the boy. Before tripping back weakly into the sand.

"Are you okay!!" Jimin yelled running up to the boy who laid physically exhausted in the sand.

"Yeah I'm fine" he breathed out leaning up as he felt himself become extremely light headed.

"Do you want to go back and watch some movies or something?" Yoongi asked as Jimin helped him up off the sandy beach.

"Of course, let's go Yoonie." Jimin said shyly moving close into Yoongis side.

"Your so cute." He whispered rubbing his side softly.


"Oooh the love birds are back." Jin chimed looking up to see the two boys walking in together. Jin suddenly felt a feeling of worry take over at Yoongis skin that was paler then usual. The man smiled gently weakly rocking back and forth.

"You okay Yoongs?" Jin inquired as Jimin looked up to his face worried.

"Huh? Oh yeah just tired." Jin nodded letting out a small huff of air.

"Well we were about to watch a movie do you guys wanna join?" Jimin smiled looking over to Yoongi.

"Come on chicken nugget." He chuckled ushering him over to the rest of the boys on the couch.

He sat down next to him feeling the younger cuddle closely into his side. His entire body felt exhausted like it was fighting to survive.

"Want some?" Jungkook whispered offering the bowl of popcorn to Yoongi as Jimin stared off into the movie mesmerized.

"No I'm fine.." he whispered back looking around to see the boys munching on pizza and popcorn.

"You sure?" He asked once again.


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