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"You can't just ignore him" the elder said throwing some popcorn into Taehyung's face. The younger of the two gasped, sending him a deadly glare as he picked up the popcorn scattered around him.

"I know, because he shows up at my agency everyday!" Taehyung retaliates. Jimin chuckles rolling his eyes, 'of course he does' he thought to himself.

"Maybe because he likes you" Taehyung smile dropped as he cleared his throat; turning back to the 90s film playing on the television.

"Seriously it's not that far fetched" Jimin explained playing with the end of his skirt while anxiously looking between the film and Taehyung.

"I dont want to talk about it Jimin." Jimin frowned nodding sadly. It was understandable, Taehyung has had to deal with all these thoughts for so long. 'It must get exhausting at some point' Jimin thought.

"I'm sorry, okay? how about we all go to the fair coming up next week? Unfortunately your right, I can't ignore him forever Hyung." Jimin looked up smiling joyfully.

"Yes! That's an amazing idea!" Jimin exclaimed jumping excitedly.

"Hyung stop, that's so gross.  you don't have even have shorts under that thing." Taehyung cringed pushing down the boys skirt as Jimin looked down shamefully with a red face.

"Hey, stop it!" Jimin tried to to say without stammering. Taehyung removed his hands lifting them up in defence causing Jimin to roll his eyes at him; looking off in the opposite direction.

"I'm going to bed" Jimin mumbled racing up the stairs to his room.

But what Taehyung didn't know was that he wasn't just humiliated but triggered. Of past memories. The hate, bullying, laughter, and torment just because he was himself. He was sensitive.

Even though Taehyung's words were small and didn't have any actual meaning other than the fact he had no shorts on underneath. it triggered him.

"He didn't mean it like that.." Jimin whispered to himself letting a few tears fall from his eyes. His head raced to the words yelled at him and the blurred faces of the people who hurt him. He plopped down onto the bed frowning.

He couldn't help but be sensitive about it. Ever since he was a young boy he took every little thing to heart, twisting around the meanings of every situation. His parents told him he was just over-dramatic. But it was truly the opposite.

"Think about all the people who love your fashion" Jimin said trying to calm his rising anxiety.


A few moments later the door creaked open revealing Taehyung walking in shamefully with his head hanging low. He slowly looked up before panic immediately took over him.

"What's wrong?" Taehyung asked rushing to his best friends side almost immediately.

"I just can't help but remember it all sometimes.." Jimin whimpered making Taehyung pull them both down onto the bed soft bed.

"Hey, it's okay Hyungie. I would never judge you." He said rubbing the mans back softly.

"Why can I hear it again?" He whispered but Taehyung just shook his head in response. He paused for a moment before speaking.

"I don't know hyung.. what can you hear?" Taehyung inquired pushing the long hairs out of Jimins flushed face.

"I can't hear it physically. But it's there. Tae like I told you my high school experience wasn't very good..." Taehyung nodded squinting his eyes in confusion. His thumb glided up to the boys soft cheeks as he wiped away the hot tears flowing from his eyes.

"Boys would taunt me in classes, the locker rooms, the cafeteria. They used to follow me to the bathroom. One time I was even pinned in a stall and they forced me to put lipstick on. They smudged it all over my face... they yelled slanders at me as I cried and pleased with them to stop... but they refused." Jimin explained causing Taehyung's breathe to hitch.

"Jimin why didn't you tell me the full story..?" Jimin shook his head softly looking into his shaking small palms.

"I was embarrassed. I still am, that I couldn't defend myself. That I allowed it to all happen to me. That same lipstick they smudged on my face was used to vandalize my locker. Writing the worst things they possibly could think of. So I gave in. I threw away all my skirts that they made fun off and , all my lip glosses, lip tints and I began to dress like a 'proper man' would. The toxic masculinity in that school was vile Tae."

"I'm so sorry Jimin, did you ever see somebody about this? This is actual trauma." Jimin shook his head 'no' trying to stop the endless tears leaving his eyes.

"No. I didn't because nobody ever knew, only a few people actually know what happened." Jimin admitted looking back to his friends crumbled face.

"I want someone to love me for who I am.. like how you love Jungkook. I want something like that and I- I wish I just wasn't so sensitive all the time." Taehyung nodded continuing to wipe the tears that were pooling from his brown eyes.

"Why do you hide all this from me huh?" Taehyung asked making Jimin look away momentarily.

"I.. I just want to make you feel better. I don't want to put my issues on you. I just want to take care of my bestfriend even if that means I'm hurt." Jimin explained choking out some tears.

"You don't have to wear this mask anymore Jimin. Especially not with me. You don't have to live up to everyone's expectations of who you should be. It's okay to not be okay." Taehyung whispered holding back his own tears.

That phrase hit Jimin like a ton of bricks as he put his head into the youngers chest letting tiny sobs escape his mouth.

"Hey it's fine let it out. You have been bottling it up for to long" Jimin nodded softly. Taehyung was still in a state a shock. He honestly couldn't remember the time Jimin has ever cried this hard. Taehyung sighed softly rubbing his back.

"I-I'm happy.. I swear! B-but s-sometimes I feel I d-dont know. N-numb or l-lonely. It j-just piles up when I r-remember the past.." Taehyung nodded understandingly and kissed the top of his head gently.

"It's okay. I understand I've been there. We all have very good days, and very bad days." Jimin snuggled closer feeling his eyes flutter shut.

"I'll always be by your side, we will be those elderly bestfriends who cause chaos in all our nursing homes and talk shit about our dead husbands" Jimin laughed smacking his chest softly.

"I love you bestie" Jimin said cringing at his own words.

"Thank you, Jimin honestly. for everything, for taking care of me, for being my best friend, for putting me first even when you shouldn't have, and most of all for helping me have hope when it comes to Kookie." Jimin smiled softly.

"Never give up on love until every little piece of hope is gone because you never know who may love you back more then anything."

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