Chapter 28.

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"Vieni qui adesso! aiutami!" I yelled to Leo and Gioavnni who stood down the stairs.
(You come here now! Help me!)

I was holding Evangeline in my arms,blood dripping down her thighs and knees. She had passed out,and began to be cold and pale.


Please gattina be alright!!

"Cos'è successo capo?" Giovanni asked as he rushed to me,walking fast besides my side.
(What happend boss?)

"Non lo so, cazzo. Ma ora abbiamo bisogno di Elena!!" I yelled,trying to run to the emergency room we have.
(I don't fucking know. But we need Elena now!!)

"Yes boss!" Leo said and ran to the emergency room before us,to get everythimg ready.

"Andre,tell everyone,and I mean everyone! Not to talk to me only if it's imortant enough. But nothing is more important for me then my woman!" I screamed as I pushed the door open to the emergency room.

"On it,boss." He said and ran to do the things he was just told to.

"What happend boss?!" Elena came running to me with five other doctors.

"I don't know! She screamed for me and I and Andre find her on the floor,drenched in blood!" I answerd back. Panic filling my body. My blood began to boil.

"We will do everything we can. Wait here!" She said and took her out of my arms. Laying her on a board,and running with her in to the operation room.

"CAZZO!!" I screamed and smashed a chair with my foot,as my hands were pulling in my hair rough.

My fucking woman is hurt. And I can do nothing. Please god. Please make her be alright! Please!


"She's awake." A voice said. Making me search for the source of it. My vision was blurry,but I could stil see the light.

"Baby? Are you okay!?" I could hear Xander. And I felt his hand suddenly on my arm.

"What happend why am I here!?" I said. My vision now clear. I was in a hospital bed. Xander sitting on a chair besides me. Trying to calm me down.

"Shh,you have been in a coma..." he said,looking down with his brown eyes.


"Why? Why was I in a coma!?" I asked confused as hell.

" had a Misscarige..." he said,now looking me in the eyes. Leting me see his red puffy eyes. He cried.

"B-But what? Mi-misscarige? I-I was pregnant!?" I asked. Wait. I was pregnant with our child...but...but it died!?

"No. You're lying! I was pregnat and-and I didn't even know it!!!? I KILLED OUR CHILD!!" I sobed.

I fucking killed our child. It's dead beacuse of me. I killed it.

"No,baby no! It wasn't your fault! It was sick..." he said,pulling me into a tight hug. I clenched my fists in his black shirt. Sobbimg my eyes out.

Elena came in running. Along with all the other guys,Giovanni,Leo,Mario,Andre,Alex,Alena,Lovisa,Xavier and even Xandra!

They came in to the room and all of them embraced us. Now both of me and Xander crying. We just let our emotions take over. We had just lost our baby. Our child.

"I-I am so-so sorry Baby." I sobbed in to Xander's shirt. "It's NOT your fault! You hear me? It's not your fault!" He said. Taking hold of both of my cheeks,making me look into his eyes. His big brown eyes,were red and puffy. They held so much emotion. But most one. Love. "I will always Love you okay? No matter what. You did not kill this baby. It was sick." He said,kissing my forhead.

I don't deserve him.

"I don't deserve you." I said. Kissing him on his cheek.

We will fight this. Togheter. With our family.


Alright sooo I realesed one more chapter today!! Haha,but TOMORROW it will come more! No more today! Byee🥰🙏🏼

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