Pride Can be Deadly

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*this my first one so don't talk about me😢*

Our story begins with what the Blossom twins did this summer. On The 4th of July just after dawn Jason and Cheryl Blossom drove out to Sweetwater River for an early morning boat ride. Everything was calm and quiet until Cheryl dropped one of her white lace gloves into the river "I'll get it" Jason said. Once he bent over to grab the glove the boat tipped over causing them both to fall in. "JASON!!" Cheryl screamed in fear but Jason didn't answer her so she kept screaming for the next 10 minutes but still no answer. She finally gave up realizing that he wasn't going to answer her so she swam to the nearest land and sat there crying into her knees like a child who'd been fussed at, she sat there for 20 minutes before Dilton Doiley and his boy scouts found her sitting on the rock. "JJ" she said in the most calm but vulnerable voice, but you could see the heartbreak in her face while she had mascara running down her face.

It had been a year since Jason's death they searched the whole river for his body but it was never found so they had a closed casket funeral.

"GET UP DEVIANT CHILD" Cheryl woke to her mother screaming at her to get ready for school "I'm up mumzy quit yelling" she said. "Good" Penelope said as she walked out of her room. Cheryl sighed "I miss you JJ" . She got up and did her morning routine, got dressed, sent a message to her girlfriend saying 'good morning' and headed off to school. *After School* She came home or as she calls it 'her hell' to her mother yelling at her again.
You see after Jason died her mother became angry that it was him instead of Cheryl she was also jealous of Cheryl because she was the last one to see her son and not her and Clifford? He was just abusive for what reason she didn't know with him being the one that killed Jason and all. *Back to the story*

*Few weeks later* Cheryl had been thinking about it for a while so she decided today was finally the day she was going to try to kill her parents. She had already planned the whole thing out. She would set fire to Thistle House and go live in Thornehill just down the road. So she bought tons of gasoline and poured it all around the outside of the house and in the living room inside of the house, lit a match, threw it and ran.

2 Years Later

It ain't work. So Cheryl dealt with even more abuse from her parents you know...since she tried to kill them and all. This time she really had planned the whole thing out and was positive it would work this time, she called her girlfriend to confirm everything was ready. You see her parents force her to cook for them but wouldn't let her eat it so she planned to put a drug inside their food to paralyze them not knock them out but stop all their mobility . After that she would drag them into the backyard and strangle them with a pride flag.

She had just served them their food. 20 minutes later she came back to them not moving and she smiled "It's time TT" she said as she called her girlfriend for backup. Her and Toni dragged her parents to the backyard and tied the flags around their neck and strangled them and Cheryl smiled as she saw them take their last breath. She cried tears of joy knowing that she was now free from them forever.

It's been Six years since that day, and Cheryl had moved from Riverdale for a new start; she brung Toni along with her. So she moved to Paris,with the love of her life and soon to wife and for once she was genuinely happy.

The End.

 ♥︎Choni/Madnessa Oneshots♥︎Where stories live. Discover now