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"I don't think I'll be there." Maya stated nervously. She is fed up of giving excuses for not showing up at her friend's party.

"Maya for God's sake you are 17, your parents need to chill!" Her best friend, Mary, yelled at her. 'Easy for you to say', thought Maya.

"They're just trying to protect me from all the danger out there, that's all." Maya said defending them, which clearly won't work, she knew deep down that she was overly protected.

"Really Maya? Are you seriously trying to defend them? They are just being paranoid!"
' the worst thing about best friends,' thought Maya Michael, 'is that they know everything and can't just let it go'

"That's enough Mary! Don't insult my parents." Maya spoke once again, this time raising her voice to show that she's really had enough of all of these.

"Look Maya, I'm just trying to be helpful. In the end, no matter how much they look after you, it's your life and your decision." Mary said softly.

"I know," Maya said noticing they've reached the road they part ways, "I'll call you"

Mary pulled her into a warm hug and said, "I love you bestie."
"I love you too."Maya whispered.


It was a mistake, he didn't intend to do what he had done. But what if that sort of mistake happens to his own daughter? ' I have to protect her, no one else will' thought Maya Michael's father.

Dinner was served on their big dining table. Both Maya's parents loved it this way, the three of them discussing about their day and enjoying each other's company.

"I wanted to ask you something." Maya spoke nervously, knowing the answer before even asking.

"What is it honey? Is there a problem?" Mrs Lina asked sounding concerned.

She hesitated before saying, "My best friend is having a party tomorrow. I was hoping-"

Her parents' faces turned serious, they both stopped what they were doing for a moment, staring at Maya: she felt some piece of her excitement fading away, to be honest all of it faded away.

"Maya! What did I tell you about parties?" Her father yelled at her. "They are dangerous! Awful things happen there!"

Mary's voice kept coming back to her mind, ' Maya for God's sake you're 17, your parents need to chill!'

"But dad it's in Mary's house, she's my best friend. I have to be there for her on her birthday." It wasn't Mary's birthday, but some part of her wished he would reconsider it if she mentioned it was her birthday.

"NO!!" his face was turning red, " you are not going anywhere. Call her, text her, I don't care. But you are not leaving this house."

"Dad I-"

"ENOUGH! Go to your room!" He pointed to her room. She ran to her bedroom, crying, and locked the door behind her.

Her bedroom was a typical girl's room: painted in purple, flowers everywhere, photos of her parents and Mary on the wall, a small perfectly made bed, a closet full of everything a girl would want to have, and a pink table with her laptop and books on it.

She hopped on her bed and cried out loud. Her life has been like this ever since she can remember. Of course her parents love her, but she wants to meet new people.

Her life felt empty and it was the same each day, it was consuming her, at such a young age she was bored with her life.

'I have to do something,' thought Maya Michael and dialed Mary's number quickly.

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