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"Are you sure Maya? That doesn't sound safe, what if they find out?" Mary spoke on the phone.

"I don't think they'll do, I'll plan it perfectly." said Maya a little nervous, the thought of her plan sending shivers down her spine.

"Alright then, I'd be so happy to see you, it's gonna be so much fun!" Mary exclaimed her excitement winning over.

"Y-yeah it's gonna be so much fun." She hanged up, if it's going to be so much fun then why didn't it exactly feel like it? ' I am just being nervous, it'll work, it certainly will.' thought Maya Michael making herself comfortable in her bed.

She stared at her window and looked around her room carefully, once again, ' it's definitely going to work' she thought as she fell into a deep sleep.


"Good morning honey, did you sleep well last night?" Mrs Lina asked.

Maya wondered how her mother could act like nothing happened yesterday. She answered, "Yes mom."

She sat on her place at their dining table as her mother filled the table with mouthwatering dishes.

How did her parents afford to make their lives this luxurious? -She had the faintest idea. Her father is a retired bodyguard of the governor's family, his pension isn't that much. And her mother is a nurse, her salary isn't that much as well.

So how do they buy her clothes that every girl in her school dreamt of having? How do they fill the table with food? How did they manage to supply her with everything she needed, and not just what she needed, everything she doesn't even ask for? She wondered, but like every other time she wonders, it was left fruitless: she had no answer for her questions.

"Maya why didn't you use your school bus yesterday?" her father asked, his bold figure approaching her. She cringed in fear: he had warned her too many times not to walk to school or home, and this wasn't the first time he noticed. She knows that her father checks everything about her day, he has everything organized for her, so if she doesn't roll as planned, he'll simply get informed.

"Hun, do you think it's appropriate to start off the weekend by arguing?" her mother stared at him, saving her from whatever was the punishment.

Defeated by his wife's statement, Mr Michael sat on his chair, glaring at Maya, who was still cringing.

It was quiet as they ate breakfast, yet Maya's mind was chaotic.

"Maya, what do you want to do this weekend?" her father asked breaking the silence that filled the air.

"Uh, nothing dad. I am not feeling so well today. I'll just be in my room watching some movies." she said as convincingly as she could make it sound.

Mrs Lina pressed her hand on Maya's forehead to check her temperature and said, "Your temperature seems normal, have you eaten any food from the café?"

Maya exactly knew that she wasn't allowed to dine anywhere except for home and for some restaurants her father chose. This time she saved herself some trouble since she actually haven't eaten in any café.

"No mom, I haven't." she said quietly.

"Have some rest for now. We'll go to the hospital if it gets worse." her father was the one who spoke.

She smirked devilishly as she entered her room and locked it behind her, it wasn't an awful plan after all.

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