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A few weeks passed and Sirius got a lot more comfortable with Lyra but things were still a bit awkward. As for Lily and James they had been drifting a lot, Lily would always blow off James to hang with Lyra and at dinner time the messy haired boy would find his gaze wondering over to a lonely slytherin boy.
This was the new normal for a about a month and James' birthday was coming up. As always the other three boys who made up the mauraders were going to plan a massive party for  James but this year it was going to be different everyone needed a bit of a pick me up because of everything that's going on with the wizarding world right now, so instead of it just being gryffindors like normal Remus (being the persuasive man he is) got Minnie to let them use the great all for the evening as long as they put silencing charms everywhere. James knew all of this was going down, Sirius wasn't as quiet as he thought.
Time skip to when the party is because I'm lazy lol.
The party had been in full swing for about an hour, yet James just was not enjoying himself as much as he thought. Sirius and Remus were both drunk and making out in a corner, Lily was with Lyra like always and James was stood alone at the back of his own birthday party. For some reason it did not bother him that his friends and his girlfriend had ditched him, no for some reason he was itching to be with someone else. He had looked everywhere but the younger black son was definitely not at his party which pained him more than he would ever admit to anyone. Eventually after about 2 hours a very very drunk James decided to go and look for him. He wandered around the corridors stumbling every now and then not really using his brain. After a while he stumbled across a small classroom he had never seen before and coming from inside was a beautiful piano solo. The messy haired boy pushed open the door slightly and stepped inside looking around. Sat in the middle of the room his fingers carefully running across the keys of a beautiful grand piano was Regulus Black. James was never one for music that was Sirius' thing but even he knew in his drunk state that the boy was playing a beautiful beautiful song. Regulus finished and James heard him let out a sigh. The Potter contemplated for a moment before bringing his hands together and clapping loudly. "T-T-That wasssss amazing," he slurred wobbling on his feet. The younger boy swiveled around shock plastered on his face,"Potter what are you- are you drunk?" he asked. James nodded his head slightly before trying to walk over the Regulus and failing miserably, "I think I will just stay over 'ere" he said sitting (it took me like 10000 trys to get that to say sitting instead of stirring ha) down on the cold marble floor.
"What are you doing in here?" asked Regulus.
"I was at my birthday party ya know and and then I was like oh shit Reggie isn't here that sucks so I thought ya know what I will go finndd him so I came heeerreee and I heard someone  playing the pino, the pano, the piano and thought I would investigate like a detective hehe and here you are playing like an angel," explained James his words slurring together slightly. Regulus blushed for a moment before composing himself and sitting down next to James, he patted his knee and said, "Thank you for the compliment but you are really drunk so we should get you back to your dorm before you pass out."
Regulus stood up and grabbed James' shoulders pulling him up as well, he draped an arm around the tall boys waist and they walked out of the room.
"Ya know Reggie," said James, "your like really really cute."
"Thanks James your no so bad yourself," Regulus replied not bothering to hide his blush this time.
"NoNoNoNo like really really pretty," repeated James.
"Okay James your drunk you don't know what your saying."
"Oh really well if you say so because your smart and you must be right."
"That sentence did not make sense Potter."
"Okayyy."replied James sleepily. They arrived at the portrait and the fat lady took one look at them and opened muttering something about kids these days. Regulus hauled James up to his room and threw him onto a bed. As he went to leave a low voice called out,
"Don't go." He turned around and say James stood up looking very sober and very shirtless.
"Um why not??" asked Regulus suspiciously.
"Because you like really pretty and I like pretty people like you and you and Regulus, did you know I might have a little crush on Regulus but don't tell him that though because he will think I am weird," the older boy said letting out a little giggle after. Regulus' face heated up like an oven and he just said, "I won't tell him I promise." James smiled and then sat down patting the bed beside him. Against his better judgement Regulus sat down beside him and looked up.
"Can I tell you something?" asked James quietly.
"Of course," Regulus told him.
"I feel really alone," muttered James, "Lily Is always with Lyra so i never see her anymore and Sirius and Remus are always off snogging some place, normally I would hang with Pete ya know but hes like a bad guy now or something and I was literally stood alone at my own birthday party it's like everyone has someone except me but I can't tell anyone because I'm supposed to be this strong confident leader who is always happy but truthfully I have not been truly happy for a while." Regulus looked to at James his eyes full of pity he had no idea how this boy had been feeling, to everyone James seemed like this amazing quidditch player with fabulous friends and a perfect life but obviously he was not as everyone thought he actually seemed kind of broken and that broke Regulus inside a little bit although he had no idea why.

Alrighty so obviously I think you've gathered Jegulus is coming, should I do slow burn so we like see the build up to their relationship or should I make it fast like the next chapter fast and just go more in depth about their relationship?

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