Maybe in these dark times they'll feel this way too.

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After a while James fell asleep, light snores coming from his mouth. Regulus let a small smile slip through his facade but stopped it immediately. Silently he slipped off the bed and lifted James' legs onto his vacated seat. He left the room his face alot brighter than it had been a few hours ago. Regulus walked out of the common room and came face to face with Lily and Lyra. Well he couldn't see much face because their lips were locked together like vices.
"Erm excuse me?!" he cried breaking the couple apart, "aren't you supposed to be dating James?"
"Well yeah but I dont really like him anymore so I'm dating Lyra now lol," Lily laughed obviously drunk. Lyra giggled as well.
"Lying bitch," he said, "James is an amazing person who has been through so much and deserves the fucking world and here you are cheating on him with a girl you've known for like 5 months, that's low Evans really really low," he stalked off angrily his hands in fists by his sides. If he could he would tell James tomorrow as soon as he saw him but he knew that when not drunk the Potter boy would want nothing to do with him.
*Sirius and Remus while like last chapter and this was happening*
The two boys broke apart both of them flushing red and smiling giddily.
"Hey we should find James and sing him Happy Birthday," offered Sirius, taking Remus' hand and looking around for James.
"Weird I can't find him?" said Remus standing on his tip toes to look for their friend.
"Maybe he went back to the common room?" asked Sirius, "I mean we've barely spoken to him and it is his birthday."
Remus shrugged, "He has Lily," he replied. Sirius rolled his eyes, "in case you didnt notice Lily has been with Lyra all night."
Remus let out a quiet oh in surprise.
"Let's go look for him I don't want him to be alone on his birthday," said Sirius dragging his boyfriend through the crowd. They headed to the common room before hearing voices,
"Okay James your drunk you don't know what your saying."
"Oh really well if you say so because your smart and you must be right."
"That sentence did not make sense Potter."
"Okayyy."replied James sleepily.
They exchanged glances and Remus mouthed, 'is that Regulus?!' Sirius nodded his head, his face painted with shock. The scarred boy gestured for Sirius to follow him, they walked behind the other two boys listening to see if they said anything else but they were basically silent for the rest of the journey. Regulus and James stepped through the portrait hole but before Remus and Sirius could follow two girls came down the hall giggling, for a moment Sirius didn't recognise them but then he realised it was Lily and Lyra. He ignored them assuming they were just coming back from the party, until they locked lips. The two boys stood there in shock for a while before Sirius started forward angrily but Remus held him back, "look," he nodded towards the portrait hole which was opening. Out stepped Regulus.
Erm excuse me?!" he cried breaking the couple apart, "aren't you supposed to be dating James?"
"Well yeah but I dont really like him anymore so I'm dating Lyra now lol," Lily laughed obviously drunk. Lyra giggled as well.
"Lying bitch," he said, "James is an amazing person who has been through so much and deserves the fucking world and here you are cheating on him with a girl you've known for like 5 months, that's low Evans really really low," the younger boy then walked off his hands in his fists muttering to himself.
"Lils it's fine it's not like James would believe that snake anyway we're in the clear," Lyra assured the red headed girl. This made Sirius snap and he sauntered forward making himself known to the couple, "Two things, 1. don't fucking talk about my brother like that and 2. he may not believe Regulus but he sure as hell will believe us, we saw everything, you know Evans I knew you were kind of a bitch but I didn't realise you would go this low and YOU Lyra I thought we were finally connecting like we used to and then you go and steal my best friends girlfriend your sick both of you!" he shouted at them before marching into the common room, Remus on his tail. They walked up to their dorm and saw James sleeping soundly under the sheets and sad smile on his face.
"This was supposed to be a great birthday and we just left him alone and now his girlfriend has cheated on him I feel horrible moony," said Sirius, sadly sitting.
"Hey come on Siri we didn't mean to I'm sure he didn't mind that much,"
"He obviously did look at his eyes he's been crying and the only person that was here for him was Regulus a boy he barely knows not us his best friends, not his girlfriend,  Regulus bloody black," cried Sirius pulling his hair slightly just like he does when he's stressed. Suddenly the long haired boy stood up, "I have to go find him," Remus looked at him confused, "Regulus," said Sirius like that was obvious. Remus nodded his head, watching Sirius leave and then grabbing a book to pass the time. He looked over at James and a pang of guilt spread through his chest. He knew James had always felt like he needed to look out for everyone and be there for everyone and he always is, but it never occurred to Remus that despite all of that no one is ever there for James. He seems so happy and strong and confident that no one ever feels the need to check on him because he's James Potter and that's what hurts Remus the most. He knows it's mostly just an act, he hears James at night breaking down those walls just so he can show a bit of emotion for a few hours. Then when he wakes up he has to put on that mask again and be strong and cheerful, for Sirius because he has a horrible home life, for Remus because of his furry little problem, for Lily because he loves her for everyone so that people can look up to him and see someone brave and happy and maybe in these dark times they'll feel that way too.

I'll probably be uploading quite a few more chapters because I don't have school tommorow so I'll have a lot more time to write :)

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