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Pj masks and cameron were on the couch playing video games.

Cameron:HA I beat all again!

Catboy:yeah yeah whatever.

Gekko:*whisper*I can't believe I'm saying this but...I want to go out fight villains.

Catboy:*whisper*same.than suddenly the alarm went on.

Pj robot:*beeps*(guys munki-gu is dropped banana peels everywhere!)!

Gekko thoughts:finally!

Catboy:come on guys let's go and stop that monkey...TO THE CATCAR!!!as they got off the couch and walked towards the catcar.

Cameron:oh yeah let's do this!as he followed them.

Catboy:oh no you don't your staying here.

Cameron:what come on guys I'm a superhero.

Gekko:for the last time your not a super-

Owlette:well heroes like you need to umm...relax right guys right let's go!as she covered gekko's mouth and walked gekko and catboy to the catcar and they drove away.

Cameron:she's right I'm a cool hero....HEY THEY LEFT ME!!as he realized.

Cameron:I'm coming anyways to show how cool I am...mostly to he started to walk to the elevator than pj robot.

Pj robot:*beeps*(your not going nowhere buster!)!


Pj robot:*beeps(let's go and play some games or something.).as and turn around for a second and turn back Cameron was gone.

Pj robot:*beeps*(*sighs*of course...)...

*with the pj masks*

They were driving in the catcar searching for munki-gu.

Catboy:can't find him owlette can you-

Owlette:already on it...OWL EYES!!!as she knew what he was gonna say.

She was searching than she seen munki-gu at the cafe putting banana peels everywhere.

Owlette:he's at the they drove to the cafe.


They arrived at the cafe which munki-gu was still there putting banana peels.

Catboy:stop right there munki-gu!as they hopped out the catcar.

Gekko:why are you even putting banana peels everywhere?

Munki-gu:cause when people slip on these peels it will make munki-gu laughed.

Owlette:well stop that your making a mess everywhere.

Munki-gu:HA nobody can't stop munki-gu!

???:but I can!as a familiar voice was coming from the bushes on the right.

Gekko:oh no please don't he knew who it was than someone came out of the bushes and it was cameron.

Munki-gu:who are you?


Catboy:why are you doing here was pj robot watching you!?

Cameron:yeah but he let me go to help you guys.

Gekko:pj robot wouldn't do that!

Cameron:well let me defeat this super villain with my powers.

Gekko:you don't even have powers!

Cameron:yeah I do.than they all started to argue.

Munki-gu:...umm....munki-gu will be putting more banana peels he started to put more.

Catboy:oh no your not...SUPER CAT SPEED!!!as he started to run towards him and slipped on a banana peel and landed in a garbage can which made munki-gu laugh.

Munki-gu:now that's funny!

Gekko:hey nobody laughs at my friend like that...SUPER LIZARD GRIP!!!as he ran towards him and not slipping.

Than he leap at him than munki-gu flew up and gekko landed in bush.

Owlette:don't worry guys I'll save you!

Cameron:no let me he winked at her.

Cameron:get down here you monkey before I....throw these banana peels at you!

Munki-gu:nobody tells munki-gu what to do.

Cameron:ok than you asked for it!as he threw a banana peel at him and missed.


Cameron:umm.....TAKE THIS!!as he threw it and missed again.

Munki-gu:missed again.

Cameron:hold on I was just harming up!as he yhrew one and still missed.

He started to throw alot of them and kept missing so owlette flew up behind munki-gu.

Owlette: SUPER OWL WING WIND!!!as blew munki-gu into a garbage can.

Munki-gu:ugh well soon munki-gu will do it soon!as he got out and ran away.

Owlette:are you guys ok?as she got gekko out of te bushes and catboy out of the garage can.

Gekko:yeah were ok is munki-gu gone?

Cameron:yep all thanks to me!

Catboy:no no thanks to you if you haven't interfered than we would have-

Than the catcar started to beep loudly.

Catboy:what's that?

Owlette:romeo is at HQ!as she check at the catcar's screen.


Cameron:come on guys let's go!

Gekko:no your not coming at all cause this is serious business so just go home!as they went in the catcar and drove away.

Cameron:yeah right I'm coming he followed them.

captain Cameron returns Where stories live. Discover now