The Little Boy's Angel

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This is dedicated to LeGirlGamerHere for her amazing new story which inspired this poem... It's called Gone And Back Again and its soo good so far!!! You need to go read it... Now onto the poem :)

The little girl cries a silver tear falls

The second is caught, the third is stopped

By the little boy who sits beside her

The protective feeling he holds for his little angel

Keeping her innocent soul away from harm

Making sure she is safe

From the horrible world trying to steal her happiness

Killing the only light in a land filled wih darkness

And dousing any glimpse of good with fire

As the little girl grew up he stayed by her side

Through middle school to high school

Teasing and playing the same old games

Going for picnics by the river

Staring up into the starry night

Dreading the time to say goodbye

Four years later she left and returned

So different, so mean, so cold

No longer resembling her former self

As he tries to remind her of who she was

She pushes the no longer little boy away

And he begs his angel to let him in

Then suddenly slowly a spark is made

Out of what seems to be nothing

Between the two igniting a flame

Returning to their former glory

The friendship they both dearly missed

Of pranking and messing around

Escalating into more that friendship

Confusing his little angel

With no other than a kiss

Causing her to go deep in thought

Wondering about their bonds

And how possibly there could be more

That somewhere between all the laughs, and long talks

The stupid little fights and crazy jokes

She might have fallen in love

Okay so very cliche but I mean cut me some slack! Romance is always both cheesy and cliche :D


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