Be My Valentine? - Kiddy Crush

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       The first time Katsuki met Eri, the tension was obvious. Everyone but Eri knew of Katsuki's foul mouth and even worse temper. Everyone expected Katsuki to be too rough for the little girl, or completely blow her off.

       What they didn't expect, was for Katsuki to set his phone down on the common room couch, kneel down before her, and hold out his hand for her to take with a quiet, 'hey'. Izuku would never deny the way he visibly swooned that day as he watched how great his boyfriend could be with kids as long as they weren't acting like little shits.

       Eri's pale cheeks had tinged a gentle pink as she took his hand with an even quieter, 'hello'. Her free hand had fiddled with the hem of her pink jumper. Her face turned pinker when Katsuki gave a gentle smile. Both Eri and Izuku were down for the count after that.

       Denki had scooted next to Izuku and elbowed him gently in the ribs. "Looks like you've got competition." He said with a snicker. Izuku laughed quietly but said nothing in return. Instead, he walked around the group to the back on the couch so he could see Eri's red face for herself.

       "Hi, Eri," he said. "How are you?" Eri's pink-red eyes had been locked on Katsuki, wide with awe, but the sound of Izuku's voice had pulled her out of her reverie.

       "I'm okay, Mr. Deku," Izuku's heart squeezed at the formality. She was too cute. With her soft-spoken nature and childish clothes, Izuku was constantly having to push down the urge to sweep her up into his arms and run away, her giggling the whole way.

       "What do you think of Kacchan?" Izuku climbed over the couch to sit next to his boyfriend, who nudged him with a half-hearted glare that held no bite.

       "If she starts calling me that, I'm coming after you, nerd."

       "I-" Eri's face seemed to burn brighter as she looked down at her shoes. She twirled her one foot back and forth on her toes the way kids did when they were nervous. "He seems nice."

       Izuku looked over at Katsuki, whose face was turning pink to match Eri's. Obviously, Katsuki had never dealt with a kid crush before. No doubt because of his personality. Denki was draped over Eijirou's front. Tears streamed down his face. Even Izuku didn't think it was that funny.

       "Hey, Eri, I have a lot of toys in my room." Izuku leaned forward, teasingly pushing against Katsuki's frame to get into Eri's line of vision. "Do you wanna come see?"

       Eri seemed to visibly brighten at the mention of toys, but then shied slightly and looked at Katsuki.

       "Is Kacchan coming?" Even as Denki was laughing before, that nervous little question in that small voice was far too cute to laugh at. Mina looked away, hands clamped over her face. Ochaco looked like her heart just exploded.

       This little girl was going to be the death of Class 1-A.

       This little girl was going to be the death of Class 1-A

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