Be My Valentine? - Kiddy Crush Crushed

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       The months following Eri's first interaction with Katsuki, the little girl asked about him a lot. Whenever Katsuki was out on a date with Izuku or in his room studying, Eri would be looking around, asking where he was until he got back and she'd stick to him like glue. Katsuki never seemed to mind, and Izuku thought it was cute how she would demand Katsuki play with her or how she would sit on the countertop in the kitchen while Katsuki cooked or made snacks, asking him what ingredients he was using every time he grabbed something different from the cupboards and drawers. Despite his normally brash personality, Izuku knew that Katsuki would make an amazing father. The thought made his face burn red.

       It was clear to everyone that she had taken a liking to the spiky-haired hero in training; she did a terrible job of hiding it, but it was so adorable that not of Neito Monoma could make fun of her. No, he reserved that for Katsuki.

       "Who'd imagine a cute little girl like that would have a crush on someone so violent and angry as you." Neito cackled one day during lunch. Katsui shook like a tuning fork being struck on a metal bar. He was practically vibrating. Izuku reached over from next to him and circled his fingers around his wrist, gently rubbing his thumb over the pulse point. Katsuki's still bristling, but he doesn't feel quite so stiff.

       "Fuck off, copycat," Katsuki growled. Neito didn't seem put off by the warning lilt echoing in his voice. "I don't feel like dealing with you today." It was true. Katsuki was exhausted. His hands were sore from pushing himself too far on his explosions during the winter and he and the rest of Class 1-A were still healing from the wounds during the battle with the League of Villains. They were still licking their wounds weeks later, both physically and mentally.

       "Now now, Bakugo. No need to be like that. I was only saying what everyone else was thinking. It's a miracle in itself that Midoriya would be interested in babysitting you." He punctuated his point by dropping his elbow atop Izuku's fluffy head.

       "Ow," Izuku whimpered softly. He looked up at Neito, green eyes flashing neon. "I'm not babysitting Kacchan." He let his fingers slip down to interlace them with Katsuki's. They were warm and solid. "I'm with him because I want to be." Neito looked doubtful and opened his mouth to speak again, that notoriously crazed smile stretching his face, but as always Itsuka came to their rescue. With a chop from her inflated hand, Neito sagged like a ragdoll onto the floor. Katsuki would never get bored of that sight, and he was sure he'd give just about anything to trade Minoru out with her.

       "Kacchan!" The voice that called out to him didn't belong to Izuku, but Katsuki instantly knew who it was. He swiveled around in his seat to watch as Eri came bouncing over. Her smile was wide and her cheeks were pink as her silver locks swirled around her like a glistening tornado. Katsuki leaned forward in his seat to get closer to Eri's level. Izuku scooted over as Eri tried to wiggle her way between the two. Katsuki heard Izuku chuckle lightly at the sight. Eri was clutching something in her small hands. Paper crinkled as she gripped it tight.

       "What'cha got there, Uni." In Katsuki-like fashion, he'd taken to giving her nicknames based on her appearance, except Eri was safe from insulting nicknames and had been given cutesy ones such as 'Uni' and 'Narwhal'. No one thought the second one was cute at all, but Eri insisted that it was. Denki made the teasing comment that she thought it was cute because it had come from 'her Kacchan'.

       Eri's pink cheeks turned a soft red as she released her death grip on the paper in her hand and smoothed it out in her lap. Upon further inspection, Katsuki could see that the paper had been cut into the shape of a heart.

       "Ms. Mina told me that Valentine's Day was coming up," she began in a small voice. "I asked her what that meant and she told me that it was a day where people gave the people they liked chocolates and cards." Her red face reminded Katsuki of Izuku as a kid. Give her freckles, and the resemblance would've been nearly uncanny.

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