Cuddling with karma

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-he would spoon you, one hundred percent

-you know that thing people do where they lift up one of their legs, HE WOULD LOVE IT

-he would probably fall off the bed a few times if your not hugging onto him

-when cuddling, he would smother you in kisses and tickle you

-if he's being cocky while cuddling DO NOT EVER SAY "make me."
exAmpLe) "stop taking all the blanket." "....make me."
Bye bye your ass 🥸

-if you don't pat his head and play with his hair while cuddling he will hold a grudge against you

-he LOVE laying or your thighs and stomach

-you two would definitely sometimes play video games while cuddling eachother

-your both laying on your side facing eachother to see who laughs first, would be a thing

-sometimes when cuddling he would tease you and put his leg between yours (perv.🧍‍♂️)

-would hold your waist

-if he's in the mood he would grind against your ass and eventually bite your neck

-if you smothered him in kissed he would blush hard but not to the point where he's full on red

(In the episode where they go on a field trip and your at the hotel)
-defiantly would cuddle you infront of everyone to tease them. "You wish this was you huh?" He would probably say that to the others

-holding eachother would be a thing while cuddling

-if you were cuddling him and the suddenly ask him "can you fuck me?" He would LOSE HIS SHIT

-if you two had a stressful day at school you would immediately cuddle eachother when you get home

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