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          "Gavin???" What are you doing here?" 

          "Don't act like you didn't miss me, princess." His grip around me tightened as he picks me up to take me into the house. I squirm to get away as he takes me into an empty room, placing me down on the bed and locking the door. 

          "What are you-" He stops me from talking by placing his lips on mine, forcefully deepening it. He grabs the back of my head, his other hand holding him up. A rough knock is heard on the door and I push Gavin off. 

          "Ashley, what are you doing in there? Dylan's looking for you!"  I could recognize that voice anywhere. My hero. Allyson. I push Gavin off of me, but he pins me back down onto the bed. 

          "I'll be out in a minute! I need to deal with something really quick." I hear the knob of the door try to be opened.

          "It's locked. Are you changing, can I come in?" She asks, still trying to get in. At this point, Gavin has forced himself onto me, kissing on my neck and trying to undress me. His hand makes way under my dress and I shove him off of me with all of my force. 

          I didn't realize it, but I had started crying. I open the door and Ashley sees Gavin on the floor and tear stains on my cheeks. "Oh my God, are you okay? Did he try-?" I look back at Gavin, before looking at her and nodding. It's better to tell someone. "I'll call the police for breaking and entering and sexual assault." I look at her with an obvious 'Thank you' face before wiping the new tears off of my face and trying to find Dylan. 

          When I found him, he ran up to me and hugged me. "I was so scared when I couldn't find you, Allyson said she'd help and I'm so glad you're here." I look at him with obvious confusion. "Amber just texted. She said that your ex called her, telling her he was gonna find you and hurt you if you didn't come back to him. Did he hurt you?" 

          "No, I'm fine." I hear panting and I look behind me. Gavin's running out of the house, followed closely by Allyson. Gavin grabs my wrist as I wince in pain. Dylan grabs my other, causing a groan to leave my lips. They both let go in unison, but while Gavin runs away, Dylan runs up and pulls up my sleeves. 


        Holy cow guys I'm living. Surprise surprise I'm back!!! I swear all of my old readers left because of no motivation. Anyway, I hope to post more frequently. :)

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