Real problems

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Once behind her bed room door Love allowed herself to breath a bit more freely. Walking over to the mirrior lifting her shirt to look at her belly that was only a small barley there pudge. She was only 2 months a little more maybe .

Love was expecting a baby by her ex Bass. Bass was one of the most feared where she was from and what he said people did. Well every body but her when he had asked her to get an abortion because he didnt want his girlfriend to know about her Love had refused. For that her best friend had paid for it Bass had cut the break line on Loves car expecting her to get in and drive instead of Parker.

After that her Mama told her to pack up and move to live with Robby she wasnt even allowed to go to Parkers funeral. Love hadnt realized she had been standing there crying untill she felt the tears hit her chest.

Her phone rang pulling her out of her grief.

"Mani whats up?"Love answered the phone .

It was her sister Imani the only person from home she talked to outside her mother.

"Love how you doing honey?"

" Im as good as i can be to be 20 pregnant on the run ."

"You can still go to the police Love." Imani spoke she hadnt lived In the hood In years she had no idea how It went.

"I cant now . You saw what he did to Parker I went to the station mentioned him and no one would talk to me."

"Why would you even get tied up with that one eyed freak?"

"He was cute at first ."

"Baby girl you sound dumb ."

"I know but that was train of thought then now its just that I got my best friend killed." Love cried a little louder.

"Shh shhh you didnt know he was going to do that its not your fault." Her sister tried to soothe her through the phone.

Rich was walking from the bathroom and heard Love in her room crying with her knees to her chest and her phone to her ear. He didnt know what was wrong with her but he didnt like to see nobody crying.

"Hey let her call you back." Rich said into the phone to who ever it was.

Sitting down beside her he pulled her into his lap. First she tried to fight it by kicking her legs and pushing away from him.

"Get out Rich."

"Calm down Love you can hate me after this but you look like you need this." He said pulling her closer to him and rocking her softly.


(3 hours later)

They were both awakened by the sound of the door opening and the girls running.

"Rich wake up there back and you gotta get out of here." Love shook Rich awake feeling awkward.

"Um huh I hear them." Rich pulled her closer to him and rested his head against the bed.

"Get off of me Rich that dont change shit i still hate yo raggedy ass." She pushed off of him standing up and walking into her bathroom.

Ok hunz vote comment follow happy valintines day sorry for not so much dialogue but i wanted yall to get some back story on love mm pic of Rich in case yall forgot

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