Wicked Night II

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As the three people got inside the room and close the door, the two alpha started devouring their omega mate.

Zhan is smashing his lips on Yibo, while Sean is kissing Yibo's nape down to his shoulder leaving marks to his white smooth skin from behind. They were trapping the small omega between them, not letting an air to pass them.

Zhan bit Yibo's lower lip making the latter gasp and he take it a chance to slipped his tongue inside Yibo's warm cavern, tasting it's insides and swirling their tongue together. While Sean capture his both pink buds, making Yibo squirm between them, and Sean traces many red marks on his back.

"Aahh... nrghh.. aahhn"

It gives arousing sensation to the younger that is crawling all over his body and was feeling hot and weak. He doesn't know on how and when their clothes come off since he was so engulfed in too much pleasure creeping on his body as his two alpha mate keep on devouring and tasting him.

Zhan leave his lips, and trails to his neck until it reach his erected buds and start to lick, suck and play with it. Yibo haven't got time to gasped for air when Sean grab his jaw, making to face him and smashed their lips together, slipping it's tongue on Yibo's cavern and taste him like a madman.

They guided Yibo to the bed and then, Sean and Zhan lay Yibo on a king size bed and stare at him hungrily, since their fated omega is looking like a mess and fully naked with it's half open eyes, mouth agape while saliva dripping on its mouth to it's chin, panting for air as Yibo releases it sweet pheromone making the two alpha go in rut. Yibo felt conscious by the two alpha gaze but it all fade away when Zhan and Sean also released their musky pheromone and make him more aroused and horny. He can feel his thighs became more wet in just the gaze of his two alpha were giving him.

He wanted them to touch him, fill him and ravish him until he can't walk anymore, that is how horny he was right now.

When he can't take it anymore the pleaded the two with his weak voice, "S-Sean-ge, Zhan-ge ple-please... Touch m-me."

The two alpha intensely gaze to the latter with red dark eyes as they dove in to him. Sean find it's way between Yibo's thighs , as he spread it's legs and Yibo's sleek drip down to the bed's matress. Since Omega's can self-lubricate, it's not difficult for Sean to slid his three slender fingers inside Yibo's anus, and push it in and out.

Yibo moan in pain and pleasure knowing that it's his first time. And a lone tear come out of his eye.


Then Zhan kiss his tears away and capture his lips to avert his attention, making him forgot about the pain.

Yibo groped on Zhan's hair to deepen the kiss. Then he felt Sean ramming his inside with it's fingers and suddenly hit his sweet spot.

Yibo broke the kiss and yelp when Sean repeatedly hitting his prostate.

"Ughh... Ahh.. Hmm .... ahhmmph",

Yibo moan, and the pleasure doubled when Zhan wrap it's hand on his length and start palming him up and down.

Yibo became a moaning mess and it make the two alpha more triggered and can't wait to fill him up.

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