Wicked Night IV (Extra Chapter)

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After knowing that it was about their beloved Queen, the twin dashed to Yangzi. They could smell the lady's distressed pheromone, indicating that something bad might happened and they didn't like it.

"What happens to him?", they were desperate to know, their voice were thick with fear.

The lady is trembling and couldn't look straight to their eyes. With her cracked voice she said, " T-the Queen...he-... He collapsed while he was heavily bleeding in his room and is currently being treated in the hospital.", Yangzi replied nervously, wiping her tears away.

Fear thundered down on them hearing the lady's statement and they rushed to the hospital after. Their hearts can't stop pounding hard and terror mounted with their every steps, as they walk through the hospital corridors, worried about what happened to their husband and child.

They arrived at the operating room, and the two ladies in waiting for Yibo outside were sobbing. Zhan and Sean approach them and inquire, "What happened to him, jie?"

When they heard the twin's grating tone, Xuanlu and Liying were startled. Xuanlu gathers her courage and confronts the two.

"He's been himself, happy and cheerful earlier, he even invited us to join him to eat... *sob* B-but when we got to his chamber in noon to send his lunch, he... *sob* he's already lying on his own blood when we arrived," Xuanlu explained, as she burst into tears, same goes to Liying.

Xuanlu and Liying are more than just Yibo's ladies in waiting; they are like older sisters to both the twins and Yibo, and they adore and respect them. That's why seeing them in this state bothers the twin. Sean and Zhan console them while praying for the safety of their mate and child.

After a few minutes, their father and mother arrived with Yangzi. They patiently await the operation and repeatedly pray for Yibo and the baby in his womb's safety.

Time seems to pass inexorably for them, especially Zhan and Sean. Every ticking sound of the clock is agonizing for them to hear, and they can't bear the thought of something bad happening to them.

After hours of waiting, the operating room lights went out, indicating that the operation was completed and the doctor had exited. When the family arrived at the doctor, he greeted them by bowing his head.

"Greetings, Your highness, King Sean and King Zhan."

The twins nodded, but their expressions were tense.

"How is he doing? What about our child? Are they all right? ", they inquired, concerned.

The doctor averted his gaze from the twin because he didn't know what to say. "The Queen is fine, but-... We tried our hardest, but the child, he didn't make it, I'm sorry," he gulped.

They lay awake in a haze of fear, and the news ripped a piercing pain through their chest. Sean and Zhan struggled to hide their shock as their eyes welled up and they fought back tears.

They hadn't recover yet when the doctor continue, "When he was admitted here, the Queen was heavily bleeding. We attempted to stop the bleeding, but it became increasingly difficult to save both the queen and the child. The Queen then has a chromosomal abnormality; if one is dysfunctional, the chromosomes cannot join properly. This results in a chromosomal abnormality in the embryo, which usually results in a miscarriage. It may have an effect on the Queen's health, causing infertility and the inability to conceive again ", as explained by the doctor.

And then the twins' entire world came crashing down around them.


When the twins calmed down, they decided to enter the designated VIP room, where they discovered a sleeping Yibo who was completely pale. They rushed over to Yibo, who was unconscious, and took both of his hands in theirs. It was so cold that they kept rubbing it with their hands and planting kisses on it. The shocking event had yet to sink in to their minds, and they had become too hostile to admit it.

"This won't happen if we're beside him," Zhan said, breaking the silence.

Sean had the same thought. They will not lose their child if they pay much more attention to their mate and stay with him for longer periods of time.

"It's all our fault... If we hadn't neglect him and kept our p-promise to protect h-him— ", Zhan said, his voice cracking.

They couldn't hold back their tears and both burst into them. They are devastated and dissatisfied with themselves for failing to keep their promise to protect their lone omega. Because they were not present, their husband was put in danger, resulting in the loss of their child. The twins are to blame themselves for what happened.

"Sean, we don't deserve him... He's too good for us, and this is what we did to him. ", Zhan sobbed

Sean felt sorry for his twin and couldn't help but reach for his brother's face as he linked their foreheads together.

"Don't say that, Zhan... Yibo is so fragile, if he finds out about this soon, he'll be so sad, and we both know we can't stand watching him be miserable... We must remain strong for him because we are the ones who will be there for him when he needs it the most "Sean explained this to Zhan.

Zhan nodded his head, grateful for Sean's presence.

"You're correct, Sean... I should not have given up so easily... Thank you very much, brother "Zhan thanks him and embraces his twin for giving him strength once more.


A week has passed, and they have finally returned home, but Yibo is still in a daze, unable to accept that he has lost.

Yibo got his consciousness after four days he got in the hospital. When he got the news that his child is dead he got too shock and loss his consciousness. After he woke up again, they can't talk to him anymore more.

He's been silently crying when his alone to his hospital bed. He refuse to eat and didn't talk to anyone even to his husbands. Yibo got so pale and skinny, thats when the twin decided to take him home. Hoping that he will be more fine, but days became weeks and weeks became months and months became years and nothings change. Yibo will just stare at nowhere while holding the supposed to be clothes of their child and didn't miss to mourn to their every single day.

Sean and Zhan doesn't know what to do anymore. It's been years since it happened and Yibo hadn't show any improvements and its not a good sign.

The people are starting to become worried of the kingdom's future if it continues.

"Please consider our plea, search for another mate, your highness."


A/N: I don't really wanna write that but I have to 🤧🤧

Hope you'll like this chapter

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