Things Are Different Now

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The next morning I woke to be in a good mood, but I was also worried. The previous night Valerie couldn't sleep by herself.

She was used to always sleeping with Ally. I knew Ally would comfort her to help her go to sleep. I was worried that she just couldn't sleep by herself. And, I wondered if something was bothering her.

I kept these thoughts to myself until I walked downstairs and saw Lauren eating cereal.

"Hey Laur." I said, pulling out a glass and pouring some orange juice into it, then sitting down in front of her.

"I need your advice on something." That immediately caught her attention, as she watched me.

"What is it?" She asked, noticing I didn't answer.

I sighed, "Well, you see, Valerie couldn't sleep by herself last night. She came and slept with me, because she couldn't sleep. She's also used to staying with Ally. What are we gonna do for her? Ally was always attached to Abigail. And I'm wondering if she just used Val as a coping method, not even realizing it. Do you know how heartbroken Valerie will be if that's the case?" I said, finally getting the stress off of my chest. She put her hands on both of my cheeks.

"Hey listen," Lauren said, seeing I was about to cry, "Valerie and Abigail are already best friends, there will be no hard feelings between them. And as for Ally, just give her time. She needs time to adjust to giving attention to two kids. Valerie and Abigail will both understand, trust me." She hugged me close to her.

I held onto her. Her hugs were warm and comforting, like my mother's. She managed to make me calm down.

"Thank you." I breathed out. She smiled and rocked us.

• • • • • • • • • •

Narrator P.O.V.

They all decided to head to the hospital at noon. They brought an extra pair of clothes for Ally, so that she was clean.

As they stepped into the hospital room, they were overflowing with happiness, and it showed. As people walked by, they noticed the girls were excited about something.

As they stepped into the hospital room, Ally was beside Abigail. She was stroking the younger girls hair softly. They could also hear her mumbling quietly to the girl, like she was speaking to a new born child.

Valerie felt a small pang of jealously in her heart, but she knew better and decided to ignore it. She knew Ally had just gotten her daughter back, her first daughter that she ever cared about to be exact.

That's what killed Valerie on the inside. She was young, but smart enough to know. She knew Ally didn't really care for her much in the first place. She just chose to ignore it, and enjoy the time she had.

But, she also noticed that Camila knew, judging by the sympathetic look on her face.

Normani handed Ally the change of clothes. Ally thanked her then walked quickly to the bathroom. They all gathered around the youngest girl in the room and made small conversation with her.

When Ally came back however, she mostly stayed out of the conversation. She sat studying Valerie.

She noticed that Valerie had a depressed face ever since she walked in. Ally knew Valerie better than anyone else, she knew that whatever was bothering her was big.

Valerie always tried to find something good in everything that happened to her, very few things stuck inside her mind. And when they did, she covered it with a fake smile.

Ally decided she needed to help her, for she was her daughter and her rock for the past months. She thought that maybe she would bring her for a walk.

"Hey Valerie, lets go outside. I need to talk to you." Ally finally said, breaking the girls from the conversation.

Valerie stood up and followed Ally out of the doorway. Her heart was pounding and she knew this was serious. Ally never says, 'I need to talk to you.' Unless it is entirely important. Infact, the last time she said that, was when they needed to explain to her about the whole 'Abigail' situation.

They continued to walk in silence until they were outside, which was when Ally brought out the big question.

"What wrong Valerie?" Ally sighed throughout the sentence.

Valerie didn't respond immediately, but when she did, she kept it short, "Nothing."

"Look, I know something is bothering you." She stopped on the sidewalk. "You never get upset over anything in front of people. Now could you just tell me whats wrong so that I could help you?" She asked, placing her hands on Valerie's shoulders.

This made Valerie upset. She shrugged Ally's hands off, "Why would you care?" She didn't mean it. She felt the guilt build up inside of her heart as she walked away.

Tears spilled down her cheeks, she was almost to the hospital room and she also knew Ally was behind her. Ally knew to keep her distance.

She was not used to being around Valerie when she was like this, she didn't know what kind of things would send her off, that's why she held her distance. She was scared, the full meaning of Valerie's words did not set into her brain yet, she couldn't process what the girl had said.

Valerie sat back in her chair when she got back to the room, she knew Ally wouldn't argue in front of the girls.

Ally sighed as she walked back in, all eyes were on her, she knew she did something wrong, just didn't know what.

* * *

As they returned home, Valerie ate her dinner in silence. She tried to avoid Ally at all cost. She knew that she was just putting off another problem. But, she was as stubborn as a mule.

She wanted Ally to fell what she was feeling, no matter how cruel it sounded. She wanted Ally to find out what she had done, rather than somebody tell her.

Dinah had stayed behind to watch over Abigail for the night, she was doing well.

Valerie decided that even though she wanted Ally to cuddle with that night, she had to not do it.

She decided she would stay with Camila again. She would do it in hopes of making Ally jealous too.

Valerie took a shower in her own room that night, rather than using Ally or Camila's shower.

She felt comfortable in her own room, but preferred sleeping with someone. It kept her from thinking.

She applied a last bit of body lotion to her body then took off her robe and pulled on her sleepwear.

She then made her way to Camila's room, walking past Ally's open door. Camila was already in her bed, waiting for the younger girl to come.

Valerie cuddled next to Camila and wrapped her arms around her for her own comfort, Camila did the same.

Camila kissed Valerie's forehead and whispered, "I'm so sorry."

"For what?" Valerie asked, confused. Camila looked at her sadly, Valerie then understood what she was saying and nodded her head.

Valerie began to cry into Camila's arm's. She was upset Ally played her, without actually caring about her in the first place. Little did she know, Ally heard her cries. Ally cared about her more than Valerie would ever know.


Poor Valerie :(

Reflection Is Perfection

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