The Faithless Ones

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The next morning the whole household was depressed. Valerie, usually being the happy one, was also brought down from the unfortunate events.

The bad vibe bounced around the house as they cooked breakfast in silence.

Luckily, the girls had the day off and were able to visit Abigail.

Valerie sat beside the table with her head resting on her shoulders. She felt that she had caught a cold.

She didn't want to say anything, in fear the girls would be more upset. Little did she know, it would probably help them.

It was an odd thing, but the girls felt like they were not doing their jobs correctly.

First, Abigail is hurt, and they have absolutely no control over her.

If they discover that Valerie is sick, then they will do everything they can to help her.

Valeria had bags under her eyes, her face also was red. She sky blue eyes were a dark blue. She was exhausted.

As they sat down to eat, they each barely touched their food.

One by one, the girls empties their plates into the garbage. This was when Ally noticed something was wrong with Valerie.

She watched her closely as she sat with her head on her left hand. She didn't touch the food in front of her, nor did she even take any notice to it, it was untouched.

Ally walked up to the younger girl.

"What's wrong baby girl?" Ally asked, concerned.

Valerie shrugged and said, "I'm just tired."

Ally knew better than to believe this, she put the back of her hand on Valerie's forehead.

"Gosh, you're burning up."

Valerie felt bad that she was making the girls more worried. But, she knew nothing she said would stop Ally now.

Ally took Valerie's temperature.

"101.3, you've got a fever." Ally said while walking to the medicine cabinet.

She grabbed a few pills and a water bottle. Then gave both of the items to Valerie.

Valerie put the pills in her mouth, but was too weak to open the water.

Ally unscrewed the cap and tipped a small amount into Valerie's mouth until she was finished.

"Come on, lets get you to bed." Ally said, motherly instincts kicking in.

She tucked the sick girl into her bed and pushed some of her hair behind her ears.

"I'm gonna make you some soup and I want you to eat it all, okay?" Ally asked then kissed her forehead.

Valerie mumbled something into her pillow. She really didn't want to worry the girls, but she also needed the care.

Ally left the room to find Normani, who was in her room listening to music.

She pulled out her ear-buds and waited for Ally to speak.

"Valerie is sick, could you watch her while I make her some soup?"

"Of course!" Normani answered quickly. She was up on her feet in seconds and rushing down the hallway.

Ally then walked downstairs to make Valerie some well needed soup.

Valerie was happy when she saw Normani come into the room with a movie. She was grateful for the company after she decided to just let the girls do their jobs.

Normani put 'If I Stay' into the player and then climbed into the bed.

Valerie snuggled up to her warmth and sighed. Normani put her arm around her back and pulled them closer together.

Around the middle of the movie, Ally came back with a bowl of hot soup.

She fed some of it to Valerie until she refused to eat anymore of it.

Ally joined the two in the bed as they watched the movie. Towards the end, when Adam begs his lover, Mia, to stay was when Valerie got an idea.

"Do you think everything is like that for Abigail too?" She asked curious.

Mani and Ally looked at each other confused.

"What are you talking about sweety?" Ally asked kindly.

"Do you think the world is like that for Abigail too?", she gestured towards the screen, "Do you think she knows what's going on but can do nothing about it? Do you think if we asked her to stay she would hear us?"

Ally was concerned, "Sweetheart she can't hear a thing, she's in a coma and there's nothing the doctors or we can do about it. She can't control it either. It's up to fate if she lives and I understand if you're upset, but thats just crazy talk." She tried to brighten the mood by laughing at the end.

Valerie didn't believe her, she thought that maybe if she tried talking to Abigail it would keep her alive.

After the movie, the girls left Valerie to get some sleep.

But, Valerie stayed up for an hour doing research about coma's.

She was planning to make Abigail stay, whether they thought it was crazy or not.

• • • • • • • • • • •


I was luckily able to get up a chapter, yay!

And are y'all okay with me adding a little bit of 'If I stay' stuff in here?

I'm not gonna base the whole book on it tho.

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