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Asian Doll

* 1 Month Later*

My life has finally gotten back on track. Even though I didn't want to believe it maybe my ex was the one holding me back. Ever since he got killed everything has started falling back into place. Enough speaking on him though.

It's new beginnings.


Not to long ago I finish showering and getting dress. I'm making it my business to go for a run every morning now. Just something positive to start off my day and keep me in shape.

Since I don't live in the suburbs I wasn't going to go far with my walks. It would be horrible to get rob or something this early in the morning.

30 minutes later

My run was short but sweet. I can already feel that I'll be sore later. It's worth it though. Opening my front door I made sure to watch my surroundings. Being around Vonn more often is teaching me a lot about these streets.

I'm more careful now. The first thing I did once I got inside the house was showering. Hot water felt real good hitting my muscles. It's actually what I needed to loosen my body up.

Today I didn't really have anything to do before work but I wanted to keep myself occupied so maybe I'll go out and do something.

The best thing to start my morning off was some nice home cooked breakfast. That's exactly what I'm going to make. I would of invited Vonn over to have breakfast with me but he mention having a busy day.

Making my breakfast I blasted Tasha's song Icy girl, through my house. From one day of running my mood is already so much better. Once my breakfast was done I sat down to eat.

Making a mental note I reminded myself to call Tasha and invite her out with me today. Having another females company won't be bad for today. It took me a minute to clean my kitchen back from breakfast.

* 1 hour later*

Seeing that I already had 2 baths this morning I only had to change my clothes and I was ready for today's events. The mall was a little drive away from my house but I was up for it.

Too my surprise the packing lot was full and that was actually a relief for me. Tasha texted me already letting me know she's here. Knowing her she's probably at the food court.

After I parked my car I made my way there. Just as I figure that's where she was. As soon as she saw me she ran and hugged me. Damn near knocked me over.

We walked around the mall for a bit talking and catching up. Of course we went into a few stores but nothing heavy.

It was just a regular chill girls day. I wanted to get out the house that's all.

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