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5 Years Earlier

My day started out like every other, I heard their fighting before even opening my eyes. It was always the same; mum wanted to leave but he never let her, he said its safer for  everyone to stay and to be quiet about it.
I never have been able to understand why we couldn't just run away from him and I probably never will. Mum always made sure I was safely locked away in my room, I could hear the shouting, hear the sounds of beatings, but she never let me see.
Sometimes I would be locked in my room for days at a time, no food or water. Mum says its better this way. I will be safer from all of the evils in  the outside world.
I used to go to school, and have friends, but when mum met The Keeper... I stopped going. At first they would just keep me contained within the house, not even allowing me into the yard. Now though... well now I only leave my room to use the bathroom whenever mum says its safe enough for me to come out. She always keeps her head down low; her long blond hair obscuring her face and protecting me from seeing the damages which I knew where there.

Suddenly I heard the click, notifying me that it was safe to leave, I hesitated only a moment rushing to the bathroom as fast as I could. I had been stuck in my room for four days, and was in desperate need of a shower. Oddly, mum was nowhere to be found as I raced down the hall to the only bathroom in the house.
I threw open the door only to stop dead in my tracks; laying there on the floor was my mother, covered in blood, pale and... she looked dead. I dropped to my knees beside her and tried shaking her awake, trying to get any form of reaction. The tears streamed hot and fast down my face, not my mummy, please don't take my mummy from me! I couldn't think straight my movements were slow and weak. I didn't know how to help her! I'm only 14... I'm just a kid... I can't loose my mummy shes the only one who loves me... who protects me.

I was so distracted by my mother I didn't know he was in the room until he touched me, grabbing my shoulder with such force it feels like he will leave bruising. I tried to move, I really tried, but the more I moved the harder his grip was. My breathing was short and shallow, but as I felt him crouch down beside me, I stopped breathing, I stopped moving.
"Now were gonna keep this thing here right. No one will ever know," His breath stank of whisky, his lips brushed against my ear as he whispered those menacing words.
Then my world completely shattered forever as he dragged me back down into my room. Throwing me on the bed and climbing on top of me, no matter how hard I struggled he was too strong. 
"Now, you and I are gonna have some fun girl," He said while holding me down, one hand went around my throat cutting off my airway, and the other went down to my pants, ripping them to shreds as he worked to get what he wanted. 

I passed out.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2021 ⏰

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