Out of the Crowd

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  • Dedicated to Niall Horan <3

Hey guys! This is my new story, "Out Of The Crowd." I made this story because I heard that people were giving hate to Niall Horan, who doesn't deserve it at ALL, because he's the sweetest thing out there! Anyways, this is my newest love story, and its about him. I'm also dedicating all of it to him. Thanks, and remember,



Uggh, tickets, just go on sale already!

I am staring at my laptop, holding my breath as One Direction concert tickets are about to go on sale. I know that 1D tickets can sell out in as fast as two minutes, so I have been waiting for the past hour for them to go on sale, so I could get them as soon as possible.

I have my best friend Mia on the phone with me as well, because she's wating to buy tickets, too. We'd spent the entire year trying to money for this concert, and finally reached our goal in March, but it took a lot of babysitting bratty kids in the neighborhood.

"Oh, my god, girl! They go on sale in 30 seconds!" Mia's voice screeches loudly through speaker phone.

"What?" I shout, clicking on the tab. She's right. We only have 15 seconds left! I start to count down, and Mia joins in. Neither of us can contain our excitement as the timer gets down to five seconds.

"5...4...3...2...1!" We both shout as the timer hits zero and the green button appears. I instantly click on it, and can hear Mia click on it, too.

All of a sudden, screams are coming from the other end of the phone.

"I got one, I got one!" Mia exclaims happily.

"Really?" I ask, checking my screen again. My heart falls as the words 'still processing...please wait...' stay on the otherwise blank screen.

"Oh, uh, congrats," I mumble. "But mine's still processing." Mia gasps sympathetically.

"Oh, Mary, I'm so sorry!" She consoles. Letting out a sigh, I try to make peace with the thought of not getting tickets in time. I never really did have much luck with this sort of thing. But, hey, it was worth a shot! And the 500 dollars.

My computer chooses this moment to ding, showing me that I have suceeded in buying tickets!

"MIA! OH, MY GOD, MIA!" I sing happily, dancing aaround the living room. "I GOT ONE!"

"Eek!" She squeals. "Now we both have tickets to see 1D in Raleigh!"

That's Raleigh, North Carolina, that she's talking about. I'm not British. I'm American with a british accent, because my family moved us to america 9 years ago, when I was ten. Mia sometimes even catches me using British slang. I've always wanted to go back to England, though, and visit my hometown, Doncaster.

Yes, I grew up in Doncaster, Louis Tomlinson's hometown. It's pretty awesome to think about growing up near someone who's now so famous . However, I don't think I knew him personally.

It's weird that I could've grown up around him and not even noticed it, but I seriously need to face the facts about when I lived in Doncaster. I'm naturally a very shy person, and I didn't talk much in school. The only two people I hung out with were my two best friends, Kiera and Lou. And yes, I know that 'Lou' could technically be short for 'Louis', but I already checked, with Lou, and he says it's not him. So, I don't think I was best friends with 'the Louis Tomlinson' growing up.

Even though that'd be so cool.

Besides, me and Lou still text to this the day, so he would have definitely told me who he really was by now.

I am stil dancing around the room when Mia asks me where I'm sitting at the concert.

Looking at the computer, I gasp. I was in section 1, row D.I practically had front row seats!

"Oh, my god, Mia!" I squeal. "I'm practically in the front row! Section 1, Row D."

"No way!" Mia shouts. "What seat?"

"Erm...twenty four." I reply, looking at the ticket.

"NO WAY!" Mia shouts even louder. "I'm right beside you!"

At this, we both burst out laughing. Of course we'd get seats right next to each other! Mia and I did everything together, whether we liked it or not.

You see, it's as if the universe is always making us do stuff together. Like when she had to go shopping, and my mom dragged me out to the same store, even though I didn't even know she'd be there.

That's even how Mia and I met. On my first day of school in America, in the fifth grade, I was put in the same homeroom as her, and given the seat next to hers. I think Mia saw how scared this little naive British girl was and took some sympathy, because she hasn't  stopped talking my ear off since!

One time, she even had to go to the doctor for an appointment, and I fell and broke my arm and had to go with her. We laughed so hard at that, even though our moms didn't.

"Oh, and Mia?" I say while she's still giggling.

"Y-yeah?" She hiccups from laughter. Seriously, chill girl! Have some self control!

"There's a signing the day before the concert, at the mall in Raleigh." I continue. "Want to come?"

"Sure!" Mia replies. "I can't wait to meet them!"

The concert is in two weeks, which should give us just enough time to got shopping for new outfits and plan our hairstyles. Hey, what can I say? I like to dress to impress.

but with my shyness, I don't think I'll be talking to them at this signing. Besides, I hate the whole idea of being an 'annoying fan' and I've heard that they make up code words for their fans so can talk about the REALLY annoying ones without them knowing about it.

I swear, if I hear any words that sound like code words....

Lookout lads.

"Okay, Mia, I've got to go, okay? I'll meet you at the mall on Saturday! Bye!"

Then I hang up and log on to my twitter account.


A/N: Hope you guys liked it! I put a rather funny video of the boys on the side! :P keep readin!

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