The Broken Man

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Trigger warning! Death, Gore, slight suicidal thoughts, panic attacks, and grief

How did this all go wrong so fast? I lost everyone.
I remember what happened all too clearly.

It was a sunny day, a day I let my guard down, that was my worst mistake.

I remember after months of having Ranboo around Phil finally convinced me to tell him about the syndicate, we agreed that Phil would show him around the base, but I had a horrible feeling about it as soon as they left, but I thought that the feeling was just me finding it hard to trust Ranboo there.

But when Ranboo came back carrying Phil, covered in wounds and blood himself I knew that I should have never let them go.
It was hard getting the story from Ranboo, the kid was traumatized...
I should have been there for him.

Ranboo forgot what they looked like, but he remembered that they held a grudge against me, they wanted to hurt me by taking away one of the closest people to me.
I blamed myself for not going, but I also blamed Ranboo for not protecting Phil.... I still feel horrible for that.
It got worse because he reminded me of my old Butler, the one orphan I decided I wouldn't kill, but in the end I couldn't save him.
I remember my time as Billiam, I robbed that town of money and that's all I was going to take until I found the little orphan.
At the time I thought that since I was going to have this big mansion I would need some servants, so I took him as well.
I tried to not get attached, but in the end I did get attached.
After feeding the egg those people it whispered something to me, I don't remember what it said, but I remember no longer have control over myself and my actions.
I remember how scared he looked I remember hearing my voice as I told him "The egg is still hungry Butler".
He tried to run, I screamed for him to run, but my voice wasn't heard.
The egg made me tackle him, I heard him scream, then blood, HIS blood was everywhere.
I gained control but he was already dead... He died because of me.
After that I always had thousands of voices following me, screaming for blood.
I was alone for so long, until I met Phil... He understood the pain of being immortal for the most part, he could die, me? I can never die.
When I met Phil he had Wilbur, I remember something about him telling me he had Wilbur with a fridge, I have no clue if I was drunk or if I was sober, either way I still find it so weird how he had a kid from a fridge.
Wilbur was a nice kid, kinda reminded me of my Butler, but they weren't the same in any kind of way.
Wilbur was like Phil, he was immortal, free from aging and diseases, but he could still die.
I remember the day that Phil came home covered in blood and crying, he had just killed Wilbur that day.

Phil didn't have a quick death by any means, but it wasn't painful. They were mainly aiming to kill Phil and not Ranboo, he was shot with a nerve toxin.
He slowly went numb til it reached his heart, when it reached his heart it stopped pumping blood and he died.
I felt alone, like I was the only one suffering, I was too selfish to know Ranboo blamed himself for Phil, I was to busy thinking about my suffering to notice him hurting, to notice his panic attacks.
After I was finished grieving I was angry... angry at myself, but that anger for myself somehow morphed into anger at Ranboo.
I would lash out at him, sometimes it would get physical, I would bruise him, every time I would come near him he would get scared but he would never run.
I never understood why he would never run, but now I understand he felt he deserved the pain.
After a while I remembered the egg, it said it would give me anything if I joined it, or it gave me the hallucination of giving me anything.
I remember that day as clear as day.
"T-Techno? Where are you going?"
"You don't need to know, after what you did, you should be glad you are still here."
And with that I walked away from him never looking back once.
I reached the main land of the SMP and I saw so many red vines and for once, I didn't hate it.
I dropped down to the spider spawned and headed to the egg room.
I saw the damn egg, the damn red egg, I wish I wasn't stupid to trust it again, all it had done was make me feel pain.
I went up to the egg and I heard it's whispers.
"Maillib niaga olleh~"
(Let me translate what it said "hello again Billiam.")
"Hello egg, you know why I'm here."
"Od I deedni"
(Translation: Indeed I do)
"If I join you again can you bring him back."
"Nac I deedni."
(Indeed I can)
"Okay, bring back Phil and I'll join you."
And before I knew it I had no control over my body again, but this time I didn't care.
At least until it went back to my home, I thought it was going to bring back Phil when we stood in front of his body but instead we ended up burying his body.
I was tricked, and I was forced to watch the egg basically torture me and Ranboo, I was helpless.
It would poor water on Ranboo, sometimes carve things into the poor kids body. I had to watch it hurt the only other friend I had, I had to listen to Ranboos screams, sometimes he'd scream for help but no one would come.
Over time my eyes turned a red like AntFrosts eyes, my crown was covered in vines. Ranboo finally realized that it wasn't me, it was the egg, time and time again he would scream that he'd help me, promised to destroy the egg even if he died trying.
It angered the egg more and more, which made Ranboo smile every time, I knew because he would smile when the egg was really rough.
I wanted to gain control and cut my hands off to stop myself from hurting him or anyone again, I wanted to die then go through another day of watching him suffer.
This one day the egg woke up in the middle of the night out of no where and ran forwards the main land, something was wrong, something was happening to the egg.
We reached the entrance of the egg room and Bad, Ant, Punz, everyone under the eggs control was there.
Bad screamed slamming his hands down on the wall of obsidian.
"Do we know who's in there?!"
I heard it speak with my voice.
They all shook their heads.
I, well egg me pulled out Technodrill and mined around the obsidian wall.
When we stepped inside and what I saw horrified me, Ranboo turned around, he had a hoe in hand and he had red vines in his skin covering him, and when he spoke it was easy to tell he had vines in his throat, it was the most bloodiest thing I had ever saw, I almost puked when I realized there were vines growing out of his red eye and his red eye was turning white.
That's when I realized he was destroying the egg, but it was costing him his own life.
Puffy, Sam, and everyone not under the eggs control showed up, there was sadness in there eyes but determination was there, they stood in front of Ranboo with their weapons out protecting him from any harm.
I had to watch myself fight against everyone, and I had to watch Ranboo slash and slash at the egg as more and more vines grew in his skin and slowly killing him, oh how painful it looked.
The more he destroyed the more I felt myself get more in control.
I started crying at the pure sight of Ranboo, he was doing this to free me, to free everyone, he's doing this even though I treated him horribly, even though no one really treated him right.
He was killing himself to set us free, I had finally gained control of my by the time Ranboo finished and collapsed on the floor.
I ran over immediately to make sure he was okay, he had vines deep in his skin, there's vines now in his green eye, he was bleeding out slowly.
"K-kid why'd you do this..."
Tears were filling up my vision.
He shakily put his hand against my cheek.
"No one should-"
He coughs and some blood is spat out.
"Shouldn't be able to control what they do... everyone deserves to decide a path of life..."
Tears now fell like rain in a storm, falling non stop.
"I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry."
I held him tighter to my chest.
"No I'm sorry, I let Phil-"
"YOU DIDN'T LET PHIL DIE! It wasn't your fault, it's mine for blaming you..."
He wrapped his arms around me.
"Thank you... for everything Techno... and I'm glad to have met you again sir."
And with that he was dead, I was confused again, he called me sir, and that he was glad to meet me again.
I realized in that moment, he was my Butler from a past life.
He had died twice because of me, because of that damn egg.
I lifted him up off the ground in my arms.
Puffy started but I interrupted.
"Shut up, I'm taking him home, and none of you, NONE OF YOU will stop me from doing that."
And none of them did.
Every time since then I have met the reincarnations of Ranboo and every time they have met their end by my hands, and forever I will wonder alone and always having the fate of killing my only friend. I'm forever coming across several different versions of Ranboo one having a worser fate then the last.
And that is my story, the story of a broken man forever destined to wonder the world alone.
~~~~~~~~~~~~The End~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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