Ear twitches and friendship

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Based off the tweet at the top!

I always thought I was annoying, but when people close to me think I'm annoying I try to be less annoying.
I don't know why I feel like that, but I do, and when I noticed Technos ear twitches whenever I spoke to him, well lets just say I over thought it, by a lot.
I always thought that his ear twitches meant he was annoyed, he never twitched his ear when Phil was around, it was just me, only me.
So to avoid any problems I kept my distance, I felt bad but i just wanted to keep any bad stuff out of a life where i rarely had stress.
After a while they started to worry for me, I don't blame them, my behavior was out of the blue and no warning.
My guess was that Phil had enough of me keeping distance, because days later he dragged me to sit down and have some tea.
"So, why are you avoiding me and Techno mate?"
I paused, i could hear a mixture of anger, and confusion in his voice, it was understandable about the anger, they have been betrayed by several people, and Phil won't let Techno get hurt again. I could tell he saw Techno as a son, especially after him killing his own son, from what Phil told me Techno was there for him during Phils guilt and grief.
Even i can tell Phil still blames himself for what happened to Wilbur.
"I-I'm not avoiding, I just... I don't want to cause problems..."
I put my hands in my lap and starred at the different colored hands laying there.
"Then what's going on mate? You were fine one day, then the next you just start making excuses to avoid any adventure we invite you on."
My hands started shaking, I could hear a small bit of hurt in his voice.
"P-Phil... am I annoying?"
"No, what makes you think that?"
"W-well everytime I talk to Techno his ears twitch..."
I was struggling to sit still at this point.
Phil bursted out laughing, I was so confused, why was he laughing?
"That means he likes you mate."
The shock and happiness i felt in that moment was unmatched by anything I had ever felt.
"Is that why you kept making excuses to not hang out with him and skip out on finding woodland mansions?"
I felt my cheeks become warm.
Phil got up from his seat and walked over to me, he wrapped his arms around me.
"You aren't annoying mate, you are exactly what Techno needed. Tommy was good to have around, but he stole and treated Techno like a weapon, you treat him like a person and not a weapon, you always make and find your own supplies, and you don't steal you always ask first. Techno may act like he doesn't care, but he likes you, just give him sometime."
I smiled and returned the hug.
"Thank you Phil."
                      --The End--

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