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While tommy and ghostbur waited for the rest of the people to calm tubbo down ghostbur tried to help tommy remember. So far tommy knew that tubbo was his best friend but had exiled him and that's most likely how he died. As they kept talking tubbo started walking over to them.

"H-hey ghostbur can i speak to tommy alone please?" tubbo said still wiping tears from his eyes.

Ghostbur didn't even respond he just started walking over to techno. Now it was just tommy and tubbo and you could feel the tension in the air.

"I'm sorry" they both said at the same time.

They both chuckled a little and it felt normal for a second but they both knew it wasn't.

"Why are you sorry" tubbo asked.

"For not remembering you and for jumping into lava. I know this hurts you" tommy said in a shaky voice.

"You don't have to be sorry. I was the one who exiled you in the first place and that's what caused all of this. It's all my fault. I didn't want to exile you in the first place, dream made me... i'm so sorry tommy. I did this to you"

Tommy could see that tubbo was about to start crying again so he pulled him into a hug.

"Its okay it wasn't your fault you did what was right for ... la manberg is it?" tommy said trying to comfort the boy in his arms.

"But tommy look things are never going to be the same between us. All you know is that we were best friends. Your never going to be able to remember everything we have been through and it's all because i choose la manburg over you." tubbo said letting tears fall onto tommy shoulder.

" tubbo i told you its okay i can try and remember as much as i can and we can always create new memories but what's important is that we can get through this together and start over. Seriously don't beat yourself up about it i'm not mad at you." tommy responded.

"Are you sure?" tubbo asked sniffling.

"Yes now lets start over. Hi i'm tommy or ghostinnit whats your name?" tommy said cheerfully.

"Hi ghostinnit my name is tubbo" tubbo said giggling.

-remember to drink water. Remember that this is for school so it has to be short and there will only be one more chapter. Because it's for school is also why it's trash :]-

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