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Ellis's surgery was done, Doctor Webber had stayed with Esmay the whole time mainly because he two wanted to makesure Ellis was okay.

"Theo, im going to go check on Meredith then Lexi" Esmay said through the intercom.
"Okay shall i see you back at your mums room" theo suggested
"Yeah yeah i will" She replied.

"Cheif do you know which OR Meredith is in?" Esmay asked before she left.
"3" The cheif replied as she left

Esmay ran intk OR3s gallery to see Meredith on the table, Bailey operating and Derek sitting by Merediths head, he then saw Esmay in the gallery he held a thumbs up she knew that meant all was going okay she left again to find Lexi to see how she was doing and if she could help at all.

Esmay found Lexi sitting in the main waiting room with her head on Marks shoulder. She looked so worried so scared. Esmay felt guilty that she didnt feel like that at all she wasnt scared that her dad may not make it or the liver could be rejected she wasnt worried about any of that.

Lexi saw Esmay walk towards her she sat straight up pulling away from Mark.
"Hows Meredith?" Lexi immediately asked
"They were closing her up so all good, do you need anything?" Esmay asked
"No were good we should be getting an update soon" lexi told her
"Okay well if you need me come find me i will be with my mum or Mereidth" Esmay lightly laughed as she walked away.

"Esmay" Mark called her back. They hadnt really spoken much since he started dating Lexi.
"Yes Doctor Sloan"
"Would you be able to sit with your dad later, I want to take Lexi home to get some clothes, shower and food. He will probably just be asleep but Lexi wont leave him alone"
"Of course i can just page me when you need me" Esmay asked as she walked away back to the cardio ward.

Esmay couldnt go in, couldnt deal with her mum on her own, ready for her to turn around and say something and not being able to trust herself to not bite back.

"Hey" Theo whispered in Esmays ear
"Shes asleep" Theo told her.

Theo walked infront of Esmay into Ellis room he stopped after 3 steps turned back to Esmay with his hand outreached inviting her in. "I will be by your side" esmay took his hand and walked into her mums room standing tall.

"You know the cheif asked if I would tell her about the jelly tots"
"You called them Jelly Tots" Theo laughed behind her as he just got an eye roll from Esmay.
"Theres apart of me that still wants my mum that wants to please her, to be the duaghter she wants me to be. I want to share with her all of my life troubles but I stop myself as her voice starts to play in my head telling me how im ruining everything my job my career, my relationship." Esmay explained
"You are not ruining anything, your job will be there when your ready to go back, i know you will be an amazing mum and us we will work it out but only you can make the decision to tell her I cant make you" Theo sweetly told her squeezing her hand in his.

Esmay then had an idea and started to laugh at the plan in her head that seemed so silly but it would work.
"Whats so funny?" Theo asked
"Im gonna tell her now"
"But shes asleep"
"Exactly so i wont get her oppinion" Esmay beamed laughing, Theo shock his head laughing alongside her.
"I will give you space" Theo said as he walked away.
"No stay" Esmay smiled pulling him back to her side.

With her free hand she placed it on top of her mums hand.
"Hi Mum, its me Esmay. I have something to tell you. Im pregnant with twins. I hope you get to meet them, I hope you know who they are" Esmay told her mum as she turned to Theo she nodded smiling telling him she was ready to leave, they hadnt even walked away from Ellis's bed.

"Es Esmay" Ellis called groggily.
Esmay stood there with her back to her mum looking at Theo in shock unsure what she should do but he just smiled reasurringly then he left the mother and daughter alone to give them time to talk.

"Hi mum" Esmay smiled.
"Wheres Meredith?" Ellis asked noting that there was only one daughter in the room.
"Ahh well um Meredith is well you see shes" Esmay stubbled on her words unsure of how to tell her that Meredith was in surgery yet that her ex husbands  there too.
"Spit it out Esmerelda" Ellis firmly demanded.
"Meredith is in surgery"
"What surgery is it" Ellis asked in her doctor voice
"Shes donating a piece of her liver" Esmay told her.
"Who too?" Ellis questioned
"Thatcher, Thachers here he came into the ER this morning in liver failure"
"Thatchers here and your still upset at him" Ellis noted
"Well he left mever looked back made a new family and never bothered about the old family he made"
"Esmay he didnt leave i kicked him out"
"No I know that but he could have at least rung us or tried to keep some contact with us but nothing. And i cant even be mad at his daughters one of which works here shes an amazing person and surgeon she lives with Meredith. Very hard to be cross at" Esmay explained she stopped herself her mum was never easy to talk to but now she felt like she could tell her everything.
"Esmay you were 2. None of your friends had a single parent they all had both of their parents no one understood and we never talked about your dad. You are allowed to be cross with him maybe you should talk with him" Ellis suggested.
"He doesnt want to talk to me i tried"
"Thatcher is stubborn when he needs to be."

The mother and daighter stayed there in silence staring at each other unsure of what to say Esmay taken aback that this women laying in the bed isnt the mum she rememebred but the mum she always wanted.

"Your having twins" Ellis said breaking the silence
"You heard"
"I was asleep my ears still work. Your a doctor Esmerelda" Ellis barked.

"Thats amazing news that your pregnant"
"Yeah yeah it is"
"Are you happy?"
"Oh yes over the moon. Umm i had my first scan today"
"Oo can I see" Ellis said excited

Esmay was taken off gaurd her mum was never like this all cheery and taking an interest in her life she could have never imagined this sort of reaction.

"Ooo look at them they are cuddlaing up to each other" Ellis cooed.
"The father does he work here"
"Yes hes your doctor actually"
"Doctor McKenzie?" Ellis questioned.
"Yes, we had been together for 8 years"
"Had been?" Ellis noted
"Umm we broke up 3 days ago"
"The two of you seemed very cosy together just now"
"Its complicated" Esmay told her.

Ellis could tell that there was more to the story that Esmay needed to talk about.
"Sit, tell me" Ellis shuffled up making room for her daughtet.

Thats what Esmay did she laid next to her mum, soemthing she never did as a child and it felt so comforting. Esmay told Ellis everything, what had happened with Theo, the past pregnancys. Ellis just listened letting her talk then give her suggestions.

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