You Took Everything From Me

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"I feel so...alone. My brother was killed by a robot and the man I love died to save the universe." Wanda said as she sat on a couch in a white room.
"Do you want to talk about your best memories with Vision?" A woman asked.
"I remember when Vision would try to cook even though he can't eat or taste anything. Sorry, I can't. It just hurts, I can't even see him." Wanda said as tears began to form.
"You can't see who?" The woman asked.
"Vision, they told me that he was buried." Wanda said.
"And you believe them?" The woman said.
"Shouldn't I?" Wanda questioned.
"Wanda, you're a powerful being with abilities that almost killed Thanos. Use your powers to sense where they are keeping his body and if you can't sense it then they buried him." The woman said.
"I don't know how to do that? How do you know these stuff?" Wanda asked confused.

"Those 5 years taught me a thing or two." The woman said, the woman is Agnes.
"Where do I even start?" Wanda asked.
"Leave that to me. Close your eyes, give me your hands. Feel the energy in your hands, the power. Your abilities was awakened by the mind stone and Vision had the mind stone, that's a connection that you need to hone in on. Focus, Wanda. Wanda, focus! Focus, Wanda!" Agnes exclaimed.
"Ahhhhh! I can see him! No." Wanda exclaimed.
"Tell me what you saw Wanda. What did you feel?" Agnes asked.

"I have to go home, sorry Doctor Agnes. Can we continue with this tomorrow?" Wanda said.
"Of course, we can take this slow. Get home safe. Goodbye." Agnes said as Wanda left her office.

*Red portal begins manifesting in Agnes' office as Agnes sits by her desk*

" you want? I'm busy." Agnes said as she ran her hands through her hair.
"I'm just checking in on your plan to make Wanda create the mind stone." A figure from the red portal said.
"She's slow and emotional, it's irritating but we did get far today. I think she knows what happened to Vision's body." Agnes said.
"Stop fooling around, Agatha. You promised me that you will serve me and bring me the infinity stones. Did you forget?" The figure is Mephisto.
"Thanos destroyed the stones and the Avengers took the stones back to their timelines." Agatha said.
"They aren't gone, they're all around us, atoms. I'm not able to bring them back but Wanda is." Mephisto said.

"Get that damn stone or I'll take your soul, do I make myself clear, witch." Mephisto demanded.
"Yes, my lord Mephisto." Agatha said bowing.

*Mephisto returns back into the red portal*

"Damnit, Wanda." Agatha said to herself.

*Outside SWORD Headquarters*

"What do I do, Vision." Wanda said to herself.
"Wanda, I can help you." Agatha said as she appeared behind her.
"Doctor Agnes!? What are you doing here?" Wanda said shocked.
"I'm here to help you bring Vision back. You went to go see him, didn't you? You saw what they did to his body?" Agatha said comfortingly.
"He was spread across tables being dissected like a frog." Wanda said.
"We can bring him back. Just go into there, demand that you take what remains of him and then I can take care of everything else." Agatha whispered into Wanda's ear.

*Inside SWORD Headquarters*

"Let me see him again." Wanda demanded.
"Wanda, you already saw him. I'm not allowed to let you see him again." The man at the front desk said.
"I'm not asking you, I'm telling you."

*Phone rings*

"Yes sir? Yes, she is still here sir. Are you sure sir?" The man said while he was on the phone.

*Hangs up*

"Down the hall on your left. That's where you'll find him." The man said as Wanda walked through the doors.

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