Back Stage.

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After they spent hours getting ready the girls went off to the show. "I CAN'T WAIT TILL THEY PREFORM KISS YOU!" Zoey said "YEAH. ME EITHER" Kelsey squeeled. after about an hour or so the lights went down and Liam started to talk. "This is our last song for the night girls...this song is Kiss you" the crowd went wild "this song is dedicated to some girls we know, now if we could have them come up here; Liam announced there names; Kelsey Greene, Zoey DeBenetto, Samantha Del Rio, Ayah Malik (not related to Zayn), Samantha Spears, Autumn Wano and Gabby Lefler" the girls squeeked and ran on to th stage. The lights dimmered and the song started to play, eachother of the boys sang a solo to one of the girls. Ed sheeran sang his songs to Autumn and Gabby. After the show the girls and boys headed to the back of the stage and hung out. "So have you guys decided wheather your coming back to L-" "YES" Ayah inturupted "alright then..I suggest we give them ride's to there house and get there things!" Niall said "I will drive them" Zayn said "you just want a car full of hot girls" Harry said "WHAT?!" the girs said "what? I didn't say anything." Harry smiled. "I can take some girls to" Harry said laughing "I WILL RIDE WITH HARRY" Zoey yelled "I mean yeah.I will go with Harry.."

After about an hour in the two cars they reached there apartments, the girls got out were in the apt for about an hour then finally were headed off to L.A with the boys. 

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