11. A date

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The sun was shining, the birds chirped joyfully, and the air smelled incredible. Or at least that's how Shawn sensed the world around him. That morning he had entered the classroom willing to pass the test for which he had studied so much and, with no surprise, he had managed to answer every little question without any problem. The results would come in a week, but he was more than certain that the score would be practically perfect. On his way out of the room he was greeted by the hopeful smile of his girlfriend, who did not wait a second before attacking him with kisses. The people around them had watched the scene with stunned eyes, as if that wasn't really Shawn but his long-lost twin. Until then, no one, not even his closest friends or family members, had ever seen him exchange caresses and affectionate gestures with a girl. People were used to the swaggering, self-confident Shawn, the unattainable Shawn, the heart-stealing Shawn. But the in-love and romantically-linked-to-a-girl Shawn was new to anyone.

But he didn't care. He owed no explanation to the snoopers around him and intended to fully enjoy his new relationship. Hand in hand, he had strolled along the campus gardens with Camila, fully enjoying that hot September day. He was happy to finally take a well-deserved break and spend a couple of days in good company, pretending to forget the commitments that forced him into his father's career. To celebrate, he decided to go out to dinner with Camila and spend a romantic evening with her. He wasn't sure he would be able to behave properly until the end of their date, after all he had never asked any one to go out with him, but this was a detail that worried him only partially.  If Camila had put up with him until that moment, then it meant that he didn't have to worry too much about having to impress her with a gallantry that didn't belong to him.

So, as the sun was setting behind the horizon and the first stars appeared in the sky, Shawn knocked on Camila's door. The little brunette greeted him with a shy smile and big eyes, sure to impress the boy. She wore a simple black silk dress, but had her back completely uncovered. Shawn was speechless, but he was sure that he would have reacted that way even if Camila wore a gym suit.  «Damn babe, you're stunning. I hope I won't have to punch anybody later» he leaned to her and left a passionate kiss on her lips. «You're just so beautiful that sometimes is hard to describe it with words»

Camila seemed to melt away at those words and responded with another equally passionate kiss. «That was smooth, and if your intention was to flatter me,  it worked damn  well»

«Oh, please, like you could ever resist my charm» he smirked and pulled her body closer to his, wrapping her in his arms and slowly moving his hands south, until they reached her lower back.

She patted his chest. «Slow down, Mister. There's a dinner ahead of us»

Inside the car, Camila's sweet perfume enveloped Shawn, waking his every sense. He couldn't wait to finally have her in his bed again. But she was right: first thing first, they had a dinner to attend. The restaurant was nothing like the one on the beach, but the food was extremely good and the place was quite fancy too. Shawn didn't need to impress Camila, but there was nothing wrong in showing off a little. Walking inside the place, Shawn put his big hand on the small of her back, guiding her to their table. He had never though of himself as the jealous type, but in that moment he felt the need to mark his territory, to show to everyone around them that Camila was his.

They set at their place and ordered from the menu. Once wine was brought to their table, they clinked their glasses. «I'm so proud of you, Shawn» admitted Camila.

«Yeah? For what? » He liked her words, but he was a little confused. He did nothing in particular to make her proud of him.

«Well dummy, for this entire past week. You were able to study for a test and probably passed it with the highest score despite the stress you've been put through by your family. Sometimes you amaze me»

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