Chapter 1

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"Wait!" a man shouted. You turned around to see a moustached man running after the bus you were in with a cello case on his back. You brought your hand out and he took it and you pulled him into it. "God, thank you so much" he said, he panted and panted then checked he still had his cello on his back. He stuck his hand out. "Jamie" he said with a smile.

"(y/n)" you said. "I see a cello?" you ask

"Yes" he said with a smile. "Impromptu concert"

"I am also going" you said with a smile.

Jamie gave you a smile and placed the cello next to him. "Let me guess" he thought. "Woodwind?"

"Surprisingly yes" you said with a smile. "Everyone usually says strings"

"As a string player I could tell" he smirked.

You waved your clarinet case in front of him and he smiled. "Clarinet" you said with a smile.

"A♭?" he asked.

"Yes I have my A♭ and also my E♭ clarinet" you said with a smile. "oh and I brought my voice just in case they don't have enough chorus"

"At these things you always get too many sopranos and not enough basses so it sounds all wonky" Jamie said

"So that's why I bring my trusty clarinets" you said with a smile.

"I sing" he said.

"Do you?" you asked.

"Yes but I am not very good" he said jokingly.

"Oh come on" you said. "Everyone can sing. As a singing teacher, I can assure you that you will not be as bad as some of my young students."

Jamie chuckled and cocked his head to the side. "Do you teach Clarinet also?" he asked.

"I am not talented with the clarinet as I am with singing" you said with a smile.

"I would not have the patience to teach" Jamie said. "I would hit them over the head with the bow"

"I have wished to sometimes to that but instead with the butt of my clarinet, seeing as it is quite hard", you said laughing. "But teaching is about patience and I am thankful I have a lot of it"

Jamie chuckled then suddenly frowned, he looked at the sign and sighed annoyed. "We missed the stop" he muttered.

Your eyes widened as you both hopped off the bus and briskly jogged back towards the concert, only getting there just in time to put both names down and start practising. Jamie was right, there was a large number of sopranos and altos so you decided to stick with you clarinets.

Through the practice, you kept looking at Jamie who sat in front of you. He was given the small cello solo and you marvelled at how good it was. You were so enthralled with his solo that you came in late and the conductor shot you a look so you concentrated harder on the music.

Around halfway through the practice the conductor made an announcement. "None has volunteered for the soprano solo" he stated. "I need someone to sing it or I will have to sing it myself with my bass voice which I don't think would sound good" There was a few laughs and the conductor tapped the music stand with his baton. "Any volunteers from the orchestra?" he asked.

Jamie looked at you and you put your hand up. "I can do the solo" you said with a smile.

"Thank god" the conductor said. "I can keep my penis" There was another ripple of laughter. "No Charles put the scissors away" he called as one of the trumpeters held up a large pair of scissors and snipped them in the air.

You were given the music and sightread it, quickly picking it up and memorising the piece. It was mostly simple but it was high so that was why the sopranos where didn't want to sing it.

By the end of the practise everyone was ready for the performance in the evening, some stayed and ate sandwiches while others went home or went to a restaurant to while away the three hours they had until the start of the consert.

"So" Jamie said. "Are you going home or staying here?" he asked.

"I was thinking of grabbing a sandwich" you said.

"I don't know any good places around" he said.

"Well I know a good one" you said. "Come on let's go"

Jamie nodded and put his coat on and together you walked out of the concert hall and along the road. After a while of silence, Jamie said something. "Your solo is rather terrific"

"You think so?" you asked.

"I know so" he answered cheekily, grabbing one of the street lights and swinging around it.

"Well I should be good, seeing as I do this professionally" you said, pocking Jamie. Jamie laughed as you both got to a little cafe and went in. You both bought a sandwich and packet of crisps and went to get a view of Thames. Yous sat together and watched the water lap at the boats and the random things in the river. It was beautiful as the sky slowly got dark.

"How did you get into playing the cello?" you asked

"I am related to the cellist Colin Carr" he said. "He is my uncle on my mothers side. He got me into it as a young child"

"That's awesome" you said with a smile. "I am sure I have some of your uncle's CDs then"

"What about you?" he asked. "Singing and clarinets"

"I grew up in a singing household" you said with a smile. "Started singing professionally at 8 and didn't stop. The clarinet, however, didn't start until I was 16 so that is why I am less confident with my clarinet skills"

"How much do you know of theory?" he asked.

"Enough to get me passed" you said. "I am trash at it in all honesty"

"I love music theory" he said.

"Well that makes one of us" you said smiling. "It just confuses me"

"You don't understand it, that is why it confuses you" he said. "Cadences"

"God" you mumbled.

"No, no" Jamie said smiling. "Listen. You got your plagal, perfect and imperfect. Which one is which"

You nodded, rolling your eyes and taking another bite of your sandwich.

"Hey I am serious" Jamie said, nudging you. "This is important stuff"

You sighed loudly. "Plagal cadences goes from 4 to 1, perfect goes from 5 to 1 and imperfect 1 to 5, 2 to 5 or 4 to 5" you said. "Happy?"

"Well you know something about theory" he said smiling. "I should teach you more"

"I would have to admit I would not be the best student" you said with a smile.

"There is a first time for everything" Jamie said. "Including me learning how to teach" he checked his watch and stood, throwing his packet in the bin. "Time to get back" he said. "And I will test you on theory while walking" Jamie started to laugh as you moaned in annoyance and put your packet in the bin.

"Don't you dare" you said, hitting his chest gently.

"Fine" he said smirking. "The show of strength really showed me there" he started to laugh and you did also as you walked back to the concert hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2021 ⏰

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