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Kuroo POV

I called Kenma to come over and help me. Y/n was tossing and turning for the last hour and wouldn't wake up. He kept mumbling but I couldn't make out anything he said. There was a knock on the door and I tore my eyes from my sleeping fiance as I let Kenma in. Kenma and I still talk and are good friends even though I rejected him in high school. I felt bad about it but I liked Y/n and Kenma said he was ok with it. 

I opened the door and he walked in with his hair tied back in a low ponytail, an apron tied around his waist, and a name badge over his heart. He smelled like coffee. "What is it, Kuroo? I had to ask for someone to cover my shift at the cafe because of you. The person coming in to cover was not happy about coming in at THREE IN THE FUCKING MORNING" Kenma yelled when he walked in. 

I put my hand over his mouth to shush him and when he pulled my hand off, he glared at me. "Don't you have your fiance to keep you company?" he sneered at me and I sighed. "He won't wake up. He keeps mumbling and that stuff and I'm worried. I can't wake him up." I said as I combed my hand through my hair.

Kenma sighed and nodded before walking down the hall to our room. He walked over to the bed and then the room went quiet. Suddenly, Kenma jumped back in shock. 

3rd POV

"I DIDN'T DO IT! I DIDN'T KILL HIM!" you yelled as you thrashed around in the covers of your bed. Kenma jumped back from you as Kuroo started messing with his hair; something he does when nervous. Kenma looked over to Kuroo as he got an idea. "Hold him down." Kenma said as he walked back over to the bed followed by Kuroo. Kuroo climbed on top of you and held you down. 

Kenma walked up to you and took the lid off of his small bottle of lavender oil. He put it under your nose and you jerked your head away. He moved your hair away from your face and leaned down to whisper in your ear. "Yo, wake up. You're fine. You're safe. Come on, bro." He lightly tapped you in the face repeatedly but you continued mumbling and tried to bite his finger a couple of times. He pushed Kuroo off of you and started shaking you. 

Your breath hitched and you started thrashing under Kenma. Kuroo scoffed and pushed him off of you. He moved your hair away from your face and pressed a kiss to your forehead. "Hey dummy, wake up. I need you. Please. I'm worried. Wake up." he sat you up and held you close to him as if you were a newborn baby. 

Your POV

I suddenly screamed and jolted up but I was already upright. I looked around confused and my eyes swelled with tears when I saw Kenma. I turned to my right and saw Kuroo with a worried expression. I burst into tears and gripped onto his shirt as tightly as possible, crying into his chest. We stayed like that for a while until I calmed down. No one said anything but there were questions in the air. 

"I'm s-so glad it was j-just a n-nightmare" I chocked out while Kuroo wiped my tears and rubbed my back. "Hey, it's ok. What was it about?" This time it was Kenma asking. "I woke up to police officers and firemen dragging me out of bed. Kuroo was next to me but he was d-dead" I held back my tears as I continued explaining. "They said I killed him and took me away. I jumped off the roof, 100 feet from the ground while in prison. And then I woke up screaming." I finished as I snuggled deeper into Kuroo's embrace. 

He was now holding me on his lap, facing him and suffocating me with his thicc arms but I didn't feel suffocated. I felt safe. I smiled as Kenma and Kuroo started talking with me but I wasn't listening. I was too distracted by the sweet scent of Kuroo's shirt that I had my face hidden in. It was warm and I seemed to tune out of the world as I fell into a comfortable and peaceful sleep

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