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"Love Alarm" revolves around the story of a technology that enables users to discover love through an application that notifies whether someone within the vicinity of a 10-meter radius has romantic feelings for them.

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Walking home from her shift at the restaurant, Jin-ae decided to take the long way home alone since Jo-jo had shown up a bit late for her shift at the restaurant their boss asked her to do overtime with Hye-yeong, who offered to help her.

Slowly approaching the alley where she had her first kiss, memories of the memorable yet also loving moment filled her head.

Letting out a content sigh, the young girl took a hesitant step away from the alley before facing away and continuing her journey home.

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What the girl didn't know was that moments after she left the alley a tall figure came running towards it in a hurry before also leaving seeing as the person he was hoping was there was not there.

  𝙸 𝚕𝚘𝚟|⌫

Laying down on her stomach on the top bunk, Jin-ae worked on her homework in silence as Gul-mi scrolled through her phone on the bottom bunk. The silence was then interrupted as Jo-jo comes waltzing through the bedroom door.

Turning away from her work, Jin-ae observed as her sister went straight to their shared dresser before speaking. "Hey, how was closing time with Hye-yeong?" She asked with a double meaning hidden in the question.

"Good." Was all she responded unpacking her bag after she set her new phone in the corner of the dresser. Letting out a hum, Jin-ae climbed down the ladder taking her books and materials off the bed.

As she set down her stuff on the desk Gul-mi stood up quickly after letting out a few profanities at her phone. As she stood up she caught a glimpse of Jo-jo's new phone that Duk-gu gave to her since Gul-mi didn't show up at the park.

"Hey, what's this?"

Grabbing the phone, Gul-mi gasped, "it's brand new." Eyes wide, her head snapped to Jo-jo. Staring at the interaction Jin-ae couldn't help but roll her eyes at her cousin.

"Did you steal it?!"


'Wow..because she gets a new phone you have to assume she stole it. Guess it isn't the time to say I got a new one too then.'

"How else would you get this?" Gul-mi voiced out in suspicion as she stared Jo-jo down.

"Duk-gu gave it to me."

As if the phone suddenly held a very infectious disease Gul-mi dropped the phone on the ground in disgust.

"Why would you—

𝙻𝙾𝚅𝙴 𝙰𝙻𝙰𝚁𝙼 ➪𝙷𝚆𝙰𝙽𝙶 𝚂𝚄𝙽-𝙾𝙷Where stories live. Discover now