chapter 7

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I look at him and say"its gonna be all right we'll figure this out together"I pause saying at the end he gives me a sad smile and we sit cuddling before we have to get up. After a while we role out of bed with our bad self and stumble to the living room. As we sit on the coach CC plops down and spills his coffee all over him. I peek around the room and se that girl constance in the reflection of our TV and I peek over and look at Ashley and he sees it to. "Who wants to go to the bus"I say because I need to get Ashley out of here so we get up and get changed and grab our bags and use the elevater instead of racing down the stairs like we usally do. "Do any of yal remember Constance"Ashley sais under his breath and every one looks at him and nods in disapontment because they know what happend. Ashley looks down and starts to cry as I move closer to him the elevator opens. We walk out and have to speed up because of fan purposes. We walk and as were on our way all of us stop and go silence due to a voice. "Black Veil Brides,lalalalalalaaaah."we hear in a kinda creepy doll voice and Ashley falls to his knees. I kneel down and comfort him because he knows what's going on as the guys look around in confusion I look down as tears stream down his face so bad that it causes me to cry even but I take his arm and pull him closer to me and we begin to tell the guys what's going on.

I Do(BVB fanfiction)ITS A ANDLEYWhere stories live. Discover now