The snow fell from the sky like a fairytale. when it lightly landed on your body it didn't feel cold, like you had expected, it felt warm like a soft summer breeze. you danced around alone with your hair twirling in almost the same way as your gown. The field of lily's around you shimmered as the snow dusting made them look even more beautiful. You stopped for a minute to steady your vision from all of the spinning, when you laid eyes upon a man. He seemed to be off in his own world, doing the same thing you came here to do. Dance. You can't do anything but stare at him. The rest of the world just seemed to drift away as you watched him dance completely mesmerized. After what seemed like forever, you went back to twisting, leaping over flowers, and drifting back to your world, he grabbed your hand. You stared into his eyes and felt like you were home.
The Classics Take You Back
PoetryI've done a lot of writing recently. Most of them are quite short and leave something up to the mind but i've very proud of each part. As each part is a new story.