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Reid's POV
2:52 AM

After a case is always the best sleep I get, I don't sleep super well on cases. Then there's nights that the whole team dreads like tonight.

PENELOPE GARCIA: I hate to say it my fine furry friends, but we have an urgent case, see you all soon.
AARON HOTCHNER:Okay, be in soon Garcia.
DEREK MORGAN: Be there in 30
SPENCER REID: Getting up
DAVE ROSSI: On my way out the door.
EMILY PRENTISS:Grabbing JJ, then we'll be there.

Well, there goes sleep. whatever, when duty calls.

30 minutes later, I was walking into the office with my go bag, and got to the round table.

"Okay, we have no time to waste, as soon as Prentiss and JJ get here we're wheels up, I'll tell them to meet us on the jet, we'll brief there." Hotch said, all of us immediately moving to the jet. Back to back cases was never a good sign.

We were going to Boston, moral of the story, he came back, or so we think. Relentless of what we though would happen, Hotch told us all to try to get some rest since we had only landed 8 hours sooner.

We all woke up to the plane touching down in Boston, and made it to the police station, it was 8 AM here, everyone just arriving to work.

We were all in the conference room, waiting for the rest of the department, reading over the case file.

"Oh shoot, Rossi, I'm sorry about this, I just realized we pulled you away from Verana for the case." Hotch said, I don't even think anyone else here thought about how this dragged Rossi away from his niece.

"Oh, nonsense, she's here for at least a month, probably more, plus the first 3 days she's here she's probably just gonna be catching up on sleep, she probably won't be up for a few more hours." Rossi said, which is understandable, if I could sleep for 3 full days, I would.

Within 30 minutes we were ready to head out after we had briefed the whole station.

"Okay, JJ, we need to keep this quiet, I need you to make sure it does, Prentiss, Reid, Rossi, go to the newest scene. Morgan and I will go to Foyets old addresses, Garcia, I need you to find for me who lives there now" Hotch said, and everyone filed out.

After 26 minutes and 32 seconds approximately, we arrived to the crime scene. A husband and wife stabbed to death in their car on the side of the highway. Where else would it be. A singular gun shot to the man, and severe overkill all in stab wounds to the woman.

After gathering that there was close to nothing at the crime scene, we got back to the SUV and started to go back, I was in the back when Rossi got a call.

"Hey bella" He said, taking a shot I guessed it was Verana, unless all of a sudden Rossi does actually know someone names Bella.

"Okay kiddo, I'll keep in touch, stay safe" He said before hanging up.

"Sorry, just Verana, I asked her to check in when she woke up." He continued, like we minded the quick phone call.

"Is she okay?" I asked.

Prentiss immediately turned giving me a smirk, well shit that's not good, but, on the bright side Morgan's not here so I'm not in as deep.

"Yep, just telling me she finally woke up, I could tell she just had too by the sound of her voice" Rossi said with a laugh, small, but noticeable.

"It's nearly 11, she just woke up?" Prentiss started. "God I miss those days"

Verana's POV
10:47 AM

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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