4: Soulmates..?

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(N/n) = Nickname
(S/n) = Sister name

(Y/n POV)
We all have a string that connects to our soulmate.
Well, everyone except me. You see I have a black string, that means I don't have a soulmate. My string goes nowhere and will never go anywhere. One of the reasons I hate love. Why was I the unlucky one?

As I started to walk down the halls of the school I hear whispers. "Did you see the new guy? He is so hot!" A girl squealed as I rolled my eyes. I turn to the corner when I bumped into a buff chest and dropped all my stuff. I bowed and apologized. "Gomen" I said and started picking up my stuff. Just then a hand goes to my shoulder and I look behind me.

"What?" I asked and turned around. "Do you know where class 3B is?" He said scratching the back of his head. I look at him and nod. He had green hair in a weird hairstyle, swirly eyebrows that went one way, and was super tall. "That's where I'm heading now, you can follow me if you'd like" I said and walked as he followed.

"So what's your name?" I asked and looked at him. "Vinsmoke Yonji" "L/n Y/n" We got to the classroom and I saw my favorite teacher. "Mr. Marco! You're finally back!" I said and ran to hug him. "Ah it's good to be back Y/n-yoi" he chuckled. "You had to leave us with that pain in the ass Akainu!" I pouted and crossed my arms. "Sorry, I had things to do. How bout I make it up to you? Theme park after school, how does that sound?" He says and I look at him with an exited expression. I nod my head multiple times then I remembered. "Oh this is Yonji. He is the new student" I say and Yonji bows. "As you can tell I'm the art teacher, Mr. Marco. But you can just call me Marco" he said with a small smile.

The bell rings and I sit down in my seat in the corner near the window as the students walk in and look at Yonji well, mostly the girls as I rolled my eyes. "Morning N/n" a grumble voice said making me turn my head. "Morning Kata-kun" I said and he eyes me down and sits next to me. "Still no luck on finding your soulmate?" He asks and I shake my head no. "I never will find him, all of my family members have a soulmate and have already found them! Just like S/n found you" I said and gave him a sad smile.

"Today we will be doing portraits of our peers. Partner up" Marco says as everybody gets into their partners. I just sigh and stay in my seat, sketching Katakuri if he had fangs and ever showed his mouth. "Oh and I forgot to say, make them look unordinary but extraordinary" He says as I continue my sketch. "You have a lot of talent Y/n" someone says and I jump a little.

(Yonji POV)
"Oh uh thanks" she said. "You wanna be partners?" I asked her and she looked at me shocked. "Uhm usually Katakuri is my partner but that's okay I guess..." she mumbles and I smile sitting next to her. I start to sketch out her outline but I noticed something was missing. Then my eyes went wide. Her string was black, just like (me 🌚) mine. Could she be my lost soulmate..? "Is something wrong?" she questioned and rose a brow. "No just thinking" I said and she shrugged going back to sketching.

I finished my drawing. It was her wrapped around the soulmate strings with a tear falling out of her eye. "May I see what you drew?" Y/n asked me and I nodded. I give her the paper and she stares at it in shock. "I'm sorry that it looks-" "Amazing..." she whispered as the class quieted down and looked at her in shock. Just then the bell rings and I hear my brother call my name. "Yonji, lets go" Niji said as I sighed and walked out of the classroom.

"It took you long enough to switch schools ya goof" Niji said smacking me upside the head. He then stopped walking and turned around to look at me with a smirk. "You know, Y/n doesn't really compliment people ever. Yet, you somehow managed to get her to shock" he says and my eyes widen. "Really?" "Mhm" My lips twitched upwards to a small smile. I managed to get her in shock! Way to go me.

(Y/n POV)
"That was the first time that someone has ever shocked me Reiju!" I said and she smiled. "And it happened to be my youngest brother" she says and my eyes go wide. "So you have 4 brothers?! I am so sorry" I said and she giggled. "It's fine, they know better than to mess with me. The oldest." She said and waved goodbye.

After school was over I walked over to Marcos car where he was at and waved at him. "Marco! Let's go!" I say hopping in and he laughs. "Alright let's go Y/n-yoi" he says and drives off to the theme park. "So where were you the past few days?" "I had to help Ace and Sabo with fixing their truck, but they didn't have any new parts for the engine so I had to go out of town to buy them" he says. "Well we are here! Let's go yoi-boy!" I said and ran out of the car.

(Marco POV)
She seems happier today. That's good. Especially when that Yonji kid drew her. I walk up to the stand and pay for tickets so she can go on rides. Just then my phone buzzed.

Ace: Come drink with us tonight!
Shanks: Yeah cmon Pineapple!
Me: I'd appreciate it if you quit calling me pineapple. Also I can't right now I'm with Y/n
Ace: Aww alright tell her hi for me!
Me: Will do

I put my phone in my pocket and I notice Y/n was gone. "Where did you go? Y/n-yoi!?" I yell. No answer. I start running around trying to look for her then, I saw her on a roller coaster ride. I sighed in relief and waited for the ride to be over. After it was done I think I saw her soul go away. "Still scared of roller coasters huh?" I asked and she nodded.

My phone buzzed again and I check to see who it is. Uh oh it's pops! "Uhm Y/n-yoi?" "Yeah yoi-boy?" I sighed and gave her 40 bucks from my wallet. "Pops wants me to visit him at the hospital" "Oh alright! Bye Marco!" She says giving me a hug.

(Y/n POV)
I'm so bored now. I walk to the line of the Ferris wheel and the guy stopped me. "You have to have two people in one" he said as I felt someone tap my shoulder. "She's with me" The voice said and I turned around. "Yonji? What are you doing here?" I say as I stepped into the thing as he followed and sat across from me. "I got bored so I came here" He says and I nod. I was dozing off till we got to the top and the ride stopped.



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