4: Soumates..? P.2

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(Spice maybe- lemon? we'll never know)
(Y/n POV)
"Why the hell did the ride stop??" I asked as Yonji shrugged. "Ladies and gentleman! The ride has been stopped because all lovers need some alone time!" The guy shouted from his microphone and my eyes widened. "Uhm, What should we do now?" Yonji asked. "Get to know each other?? If you want cause awkward silence is weird" I say.

"Well as you know I am the youngest of the Vinsmoke family and I'm pretty sure you know my brothers, Ichiji, Niji, Sanji, and Reiju, uhm that's all I can think of" he finished and chuckled at the end. We started to talk more and learned that we have a lot in common.

We had talked for what seemed like hours till the ride started going down letting me and Yonji out. "So uhm, What now?" Yonji asked as I checked my phone. It was only 5:00 in the afternoon. "Well, I hate roller coasters so we can play the games here," I say and he nods. We walk around till 4 things catch my eye. "Oh my goodness! Are those haikyuu plushies of Kuroo, Kenma, Bokuto and Akaashi?!" I thought.

I squealed. I walked over to it as the game looked pretty easy. "Hey if you can guess each of these 4 characters and what teams they are on you get to get them as the prize!" "Easy! Tetsuro Kuroo and Kozume Kenma from Nekoma, Keiji Akaashi and Kotaroū Bokuto from Fukurodani! They are all from Haikyuu right? I've seen the show at least a thousand times!" I exclaimed as he gave them to me in a little box. "Y/n?! Where did you go?" Yonji yelled as I saw him in the crowd. "Buff man! I'm over here!" I said as I jumped up.

He had caught up to me and looked at the box in my hands. "What's with the box?" He asked as I opened it. "Which one do you want? I won them over there!" I said pointing at the booth. "Hmmm. How about this funny lookin' fella?" He said, pointing at Bokuto. I gave it to him. "This is Bokuto! He's one of the most amazing volleyball players! Have you not heard of him before?" "I have just don't really have the time to check everything since i'm usually busy" He said.

(TImeskip to the next month)

Me and Yonji have hung out ever since. We would spend the night at my house to talk or do a study night. We would go to his house for movies or just to hang out. I have hung out with him so much that I think I might have developed a small crush on him. But he probably has a soulmate so I won't tell him yet. My phone rings so I pick it up. "Hey Yonji!" "Hi Y/n, you want to hang out today? There is a party tonight at our house and we invited a lot of people!" He says and I smile. "Sure, what time is the party?" "Its at 9:30 pm so we have sometime till it starts. Bye Y/n i'll see you later!" He said and hung up.

Just then I hear a knock on my door. I walk downstairs and open it. "What are you doing here?" I asked as Ace plopped down on my couch. "Let me guess, you went against Pops again?" "Nope! I'm actually here because of that party the Vinsmokes are throwing! You're coming right?" He asked, looking at you with beams of sunshine. "Yeah I am so you can stop looking at me with those eyes! Its too bright!" I said looking away.

(Timeskip to 9:10 pm)


As you and Ace talked and watched movies for a bit he checked the time as his eyes widened. "Y/n! Its 9:10! We are going to be late!" He cried. She checked the time as her eyes widened as well. "Shit! We'll be late!" She said as she ran to her room to get changed. She changed into her f/c of clothing.

She ran downstairs and put her shoes on. "Ace hurry the fuck up!" She screamed. He shot up, grabbed your car keys and ran outside as you caught up to him.

(Your at the Vinsmokes)

You open the door to loud music. It was crowded with students, random teens, and even teachers. You hear laughing and go to the sound. You weren't surprised when you saw Shanks hanging out with Mihawk. Shanks saw you and swung an arm over your shoulder. "Heya Shanks! How ya been?" You asked and he smiled. "Dahaha! Just Dandy!" He laughed. "Hey Y/n, you should come drink with me and Mihawk! After all you get 3 days off from school!"He said as you shrugged. "Why the hell not? Go get me something please" You asked as he nodded and walked off. A few minutes later he came back with a cup filled with sake.

You had just been drinking and hanging out with the Red-Haired drunk and his buddy when you heard f/s come up. You chugged your drink and pulled some random guy to the dance floor. You just started dancing with him and most of the party watched you two. You were too drunk to notice you were dancing with Yonji. He smiled as he danced with you to the rest of the song. "Hey N/n! Having fun?" He asked as you nodded. "Mhm! This is amazing!" You said with a bit of a slur. He looks at you and notices. "You're drunk aren't you?" He smirked. "Im not drunk you big buff idiot! Your lucky your hot. Plus it takes more than a few drinks to make me drunk!" You said with a smile.

He smirked as he held on to your waist.  "Well, if you're sober than you wont mind if I do this?" He says and leans in. "What do you me-" You were cut off when you felt a pair of lips on yours. You were shocked at first, but melted into the kiss. You had a full on 5 minute make out session with this man. When you guys broke the kiss, you stared into his eyes as he dragged you upstairs to a room on which you assumed was his.

LEMON PART (Lord have mercy this is my first time making one-) 





mmm cherry flavored, want a taste?LMFAO



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