Chapter Seventeen: That little jerk

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Heres the doggy. I know CUTE!! <>

Age: 5
Gender: Male

RedAge: 5Gender: Male

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On with the story xx


It been two days and I'm currently cleaning my final building. The fourth building.

You see, yesterday I managed to clean two of the four buildings this because I had to spend a whole hour with Miss Trenchbull.. sorry Ms. Flowers yesterday.

And let me tell you, she ain't sweet and lovely as she sounds.

Making me stay with her for falling asleep halfway through her lesson.

She should be lucky that I didnt fall asleep from the very beginning.

" Come on chop chop, I want to watch a movie and your taking a long ass time" Trixi shouted towards me, stuffing her face with a packet of prawn cocktail crisps. Sitting on the floor.

" If you want you can take my place" Flicking the mop towards her.

" Hey watch it, I dont want to get wet today.. you already did that to me a few days ago!" Blondie shouted towards me, with his own pack of prawn cocktail crisps.

" I'll do whatever I want" Dipping the mop back into the bucket, shaking it over to them.

" NO, MY CRISPS. PLEASE SPARE THEM" Trixi practically screamed, its not like she getting murdered. Jeez women...

" Seriously, I would not want to be their when somebody goes to murder you. You'd probably burst their eardrums. "

" Who said I was going to be murdered" Her mouth full of crisps as she glances up from her packet towards me.

" Just saying" Turning around, dipping my mop back into the bucket.

Blondie standing up only to slump back down once I aim my weapon back to him.

" That's what I thought" As I continue to drag the stick across the floor.

" You both are too distracting" Muttering, as i run up the hall to then run back down with the wet stick in hand.

Suddenly something hard comes into contact with my back.

" Ouch, that bloody hurt" I shouted, laughter echoing through the hall as I lay flat on the wet floor. The mop collapsing ontop of me, my hand gripped around the handle.

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